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Fred C Dobbs

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Everything posted by Fred C Dobbs

  1. I need to see independent corroboration before I'll believe something that's published in a Murdoch paper. The Australians themselves have a healthy skepticism towards their media: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Telegraph_(Sydney)
  2. IMO ridicule and humour are all that Trump deserves:
  3. Meanwhile in China: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-04/14/c_138975722.htm
  4. Looks like you may be right: So the final is between:
  5. This is very close and it would be amazing if Stanley Bryant won it:
  6. I suppose this is not really very surprising:
  7. This is a cool idea: https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/03/30/introducing-heroes-champions-way/
  8. If Trump were to read this, I think it would go right over his head:
  9. A new word has been added to the English language:
  10. Something to do while everything is closed:
  11. That would be the Hamilton Tigers, who won the cup in 1915 and, because of the First World War and rule disputes in 1919, retained possession until the next Grey Cup game in 1920. Can't see this corona-virus being that bad.
  12. Rather long write-up here about his signing with Cleveland:
  13. Here's a Sports Illustrated story on the signing: https://www.si.com/college/oklahomastate/football/dru-brown-signs-with-winnipeg-of-the-cfl
  14. Nope, different Jones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._J._Jones
  15. Not unexpectedly we did rather well: https://www.cfl.ca/2019/12/30/andrew-harris-named-cfl-cas-top-newsmaker-2019/
  16. Andrew Harris finishes the year by being named the top CFL running back of the decade: https://3downnation.com/2019/12/29/the-3downnation-all-decade-cfl-team-running-back/
  17. Merry Christmas to all. And to all a goodnight.
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