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Fred C Dobbs

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Posts posted by Fred C Dobbs

  1. We're the team nobody likes, remember?? No one really wants to coach for us. No one really wants to play for us. I have no expectations anymore. It's like all the optimism has been sucked out of me. A few rums & I shall become comfortably numb. As far as receivers go, if you are Rory Kohlert, would you come back the Bombers to catch passes from.....???? Or Hank Burris? Where would you rather be?


    That's what I'm wondering about. Can't see how Rory is not looking at Burris and thinking "This guy could be very good for my career. $$$"

  2. Evidently, Ryan Phillips is going to miss Banks:


    Ryan Phillips@ryan_4real21 10 mins

    My brother from another mother @24Banks will be missed. He's one of the best players, teammates, friends and brothers I have ever played wit


    Ryan Phillips@ryan_4real2110 mins

    @24Banks best wishes to you and your football future. We boys way beyond football so you know what it is But it's a sad day for BC Lion fans


    Ryan Phillips@ryan_4real219 mins

    @24Banks as well as teammates. My guy has hall of fame credentials and is without a doubt the BEST CFL WEAKSIDE HALFBACK THIS LAST DECADE.


    The last time we picked up a proven leader from BC (Barrin Simpson) it played a large part in making our defence, which had been the worst in the league the previous year, respectable. Let's hope history repeats itself.

    How old was Barrin when he came to the Bombers?


    Granted, a lot younger. But in Banks's case I'm hoping it's the leadership that works out.


    Or perhaps it just might have something to do with playing for a team that's ready to compete for a championship now versus one a couple of years away. Just maybe  ;)


    said it before, will say it again: "geography".



    Yeah there are reports coming out to this effect:


    Paul Wiecek@PaulWiecek 9 mins

    I"m hearing Bombers offer to Collaros was competitive with Hamilton's, but the QB wanted to remain in S. Ont. to be close to family.


    Also interesting is:


    Paul Wiecek@PaulWiecek 7 mins

    Bombers submitted offer to Collaros on Weds, but never heard much back after that. All the negotiating went on with Hamilton.

  5. I don't really care about Calvillo's records.


    What worries me is that now that Montreal is no longer saddled with AC's contract I reckon that they are probably the only team in the league that has more cap space than us. This could make life difficult for us come Feb 15th.

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