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Fred C Dobbs

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Posts posted by Fred C Dobbs

  1. Taman was not demoted when Kelly was hired. He quit because he didn't want to work with the guy. There was no GM, Bauer had decided he would oversee football ops and Kelly, Murphy and Hodgkinson.


    Yes and no.




    Taman was moved from the GM position to the position of Vice President of Player Personnel in late 2008. He stepped down as VP of Player Personnel on January 13, 2009, saying he needed a break from football.




    I've got a copy of the Bombers 2009 Media Guide and you're right that no one is listed as a GM that year. (Wiki is in error on this point, they put Kelly as the 2009 GM.) 


    Bauer was the President and CEO.


    John Murphy was the Director of Player Personnel.


    Ross Hodgkinson was the Director of Football Operations. (He handled the day-to-day stuff, like booking hotels.)


    Kelly, in the media guide, is just listed as the Head Coach. But in his Wiki autobiography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Kelly_(Canadian_football)  "someone other than myself is libellously making edits on this page. I have taken off negativity and updated content in the initial summary, revised my career highlights, and eliminated personal life. Please do not allow anyone telse to edit this page") Kelly lists himself as HC/OC/QB coach.


    I also agree with you that Taman left because he didn't want to work with Kelly but AFAIK this was never made clear in the media.

  2. Our offense totally stinks this year. It will probaby turn out to be the worst offense in the club's history.


    We have 8 passing TD's all year. Ernie Pitts once caught 5 TD passes in one frickin game.


    You can't judge Jade's performance based on this year's offense. (But even with limited playing time he's got 2 of those 8 TD's.)


    He's still very young. If we get a decent QB and a smart OC, I expect he'll do a lot better.

  3. So is Neufeld expected to be better than Swiston?


    In brief, yes.


    But when the trade was made, many Rider fans claimed it was a real steal because Neufeld was just a back-up who they would have lost to Ottawa anyway.


    So I went to Riderfans.com to see what they were saying about Neufeld at the end of the 2012 season. Recall that Taman had made a big splash in free agency that year and brought in Labatte and Picard. At the end of the season though, the fans were disappointed; their O-line hadn't performed as well as had been expected. And, indeed, Neufreld was viewed as it's weak link.


    What he's got going for him though is that he's very young and hopefully will improve. He may have lost his job to Ben Heenan (a #1 overall pick) but that doesn't mean he's not better than anything we've got.



    A majority of posters on Riderfans are saying they'd deal Willy for him. I'd be all over that. I don't know if Willy will turn into a starter, but getting him for the expiring contract of an import de who most likely won't come back is more than worth it.


    Willy plus a pick - 2nd round - and this is done and done.



    I don't know why you'd assume Hall has that much value.


    Willy is also a potential free agent. The second round pick should be conditional on him signing here.

  5. Hey speaking of NFL shots, I still haven't heard anything about Aaron Rouse signing on in the "the league."  Almost makes you wonder if somebody was being disingenuous when he left town. 



    If you read his tweets, it looks like he was trying to get Washington interested.  But he may be here next year:


    Aaron Rouse@A757R20 Sep

    6"4 223 lb SAFETY 4.4Sec 40 Solid Tackler, Ball Hawk, Leader, Great Communicator, Awesome Teammate- WINNER @Redskins


    Darrin Bauming@DarrinBauming20 Sep

    Winnipeg? RT @A757R: 6"4 223 lb SAFETY 4.4Sec 40 Solid Tackler, Ball Hawk, Leader, Great Communicator, Awesome Teammate- WINNER @Redskins


    Aaron Rouse@A757R20 Sep

    @DarrinBauming next year is possible

  6. God I wish we could get Mike Kelly back. 




    Not a chance. Season ticket sales would go south like geese in Autumn.


    Kelly is available for both the HC and GM positions but he doesn't stand a chance of even being interviewed. And, IMO, rightly so.

  7. There is also a rumor going around that some montreal players might be facing charges as a result of this fight as well.


    Pretty sure the source of that rumour is a certain Riderfans.com poster who is rather short on credibilty.


    According to a CBC report:


    The Regina Police Service said there are no additional suspects in the case, which has been the talk of coffee row in the city of 200,000.



  8. Just relistened to this on the CJOB audio vault.


    Irving asked Labatte "Did you leave Winnipeg because Paul Lapolice said you might have to play center, because you wanted to come home, or because Saskatchewan offered you more money?"


    The gist of Labatte's reply was "It was a bit of all three to be honest with you."


    It's a pity we lost him and I think that wanting him to switch positions was a dumb move.


    Or, this wasn't actually the standard letter that Hamilton uses, and they did in fact try to pull a fast one on Williams and his unregistered agent.



    It's easier for me to believe the Ti-Cats are shifty swindlers than it is for me to believe every single one of their contracts is faulty and have been since 2011.





    Possibly but I find it easier to believe that it was just a case of incompetent management. There's an informal logical principle that goes "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

  10. Okay, here's something to think about.


    Apparently, when a player goes in to his option year his contract expires by default unless his club informs him that they are extending that contact in terms that satisfy the CBA.  The judge ruled that the letter that the TiCats sent to Williams failed to do this.


    So, If the letter that Hamilton sent to Williams is their standard form letter that they use to tell players that they want to extend their contract then it would seem that all the Hamilton players who received that letter last Feb (including Hage and Dyakowski) are now playing without a contract and are actually free agents.


    You think we should point this out to Marcel?

  11. The decision of the Arbitrator was quashed and set aside on the grounds that the letter purporting to exercise Chris Williams' option was not clear and was not capable of being construed as a clear communication of an intention to exercise the option.


    I take this to mean that both sides are now back to where they were before they went into 'binding arbitration.


    DelMonaco.....now do u get why Mack made him swallow Crowton.......

    Well if you say so then it must be true.  We'll just forget the fact that both LaPolice, and now Crowton, have both stated that LaPo hired him.




    I'd forgotten about that.


    Bomber Diehard is in charge of organizing the Senior's Christmas Lunch at the Assiniboine Curling Club and in Dec 2011 he invited Paul LaPolice to be the guest speaker. This was after Baressi had been released and I think it was during the Q&A that followed LaPolice's speech that someone asked him if he could say anything about who he was interested in as the new OC. I can't remember the exact details but Lapolice said something about how there were some talented guys on the current staff and mentioned two names: Chris Wiesenhan and Pat Delmonaco. Shortly after that Weisenhan left the Bombers to take up a job in Hawaii but that left Delmonico as a person of interest.


    But then the next month LaPolice bumped into Crowton and, as was reported at the time:


    Crowton wasn’t first on LaPolice’s wish list, and Crowton didn’t exactly set out to land in Winnipeg. Both spoke at the American Football Coaches Association convention in San Antonio earlier this month, and they knew each other because they both coached at the University of New Hampshire, but not at the same time.

    They said hello at the convention, and one thing led to another.

    “He knew we had a job, and then he cornered me for about an hour about the league and everything,” LaPolice said. “He was very interested from the get-go.”

    LaPolice said the Bombers cast a wide net during the search and interviewed several candidates.




    AFAIK, the source of the claim that Mack forced LaPolice to hire Crowton was a Lawless column. You all know how reliable those are.

  13. I was a Mack fan until last month. Going into this season I figured that unless we make the playoffs and look like we're moving forward, Mack's a gonner. Maybe things will get better but I'm just not very impressed with the team this year.


    One thing I will miss, though, is Mack's openness with the fans. He was always a guy you could talk to and often learn some interesting stuff from. I remember the 2010 fan forum where Mack was introduced as the new Bombers GM. At the time our two main QB's were Bishop and LeFors and Arch/aka Bomber Diehard cornered Mack and asked him if there were any young quarterbacks in the pipeline. Mack told him straight up: "Yeah there's two guys I'm after, Alex Brink and Joey Elliott."


    Again, at this years fan forum, Arch and I had a chance to talk to Joe. This was just before the draft and there was a player who was getting a lot of hype but Mack told us why he was a low priority for the Bombers.  Then Arch asked him (something like) "Is there anyone out there we should Google?" Mack said "Don't tell anybody but there's a really fast Defensive Tackle, Zack Anderson, who I'm hoping will come up here."


    Mack didn't have to tell us this stuff but he did. OTOH, when you have a 21-39 record over 3 plus years, there's no way you're going to keep your job.

  14. Was just reading a rather interesting article by Gary Etcheverry where he previews the CFL East Division:




    While talking about Montreal he mentions:


    Mark Speckman, running backs coach, has fundamentally a small-college background in the US. But, he is generally-accepted as a respected expert in a unique offense known as "the Fly." Many well-known coaches have visited with Speckman over-the-years, to learn if there are elements of the Fly that can be implemented in their offensive systems.

    Not-the-least of these visitors is said to have been the legendary Bill Walsh. And, my sources tell me there were significant elements of the Fly that the offense was repetitioning before Calvillo reported for training camp.

    Portions of the Fly are said to be included in the offense Chip Kelly will unleash on the NFL this fall. We'll see.


    Apparently, Montreal's offense will be 95% new this year. So does anybody know anything about this 'Fly offense'? The only references to it that I can come across involve small US colleges.

  15. You are going to see ALOT more guys on Injured Reserve across the league this year... Teams know they are losing signed players at the end of the year and we know from the draft are already preparing for that eventuality.


    That's what it looks like. Assuming the rosters on the various team sites are up to date, here's some of the 9-game injured lists totals:


    Cal 6

    Sask 3

    Ham 6

    Mont 3.


    Offhand I can't remember what's 'normal' but I would guess 1 or 2.

  16. I agree. Never before have I seen "all in" in an exhibition football game.

    It's both scary and intriguing.

    Burke's decision making has been questioned in the past.

    Is this another example?

    But it's not like we haven't seen 52-0 before...


    Actually, there is a precedent for this. Not sure of the exact year, but once upon a time way back when, Bud Grant took the Bombers to Montreal and played all his rookies and back-ups for the whole game. IIRC, the final score was Montreal 53, Winnipeg 0.


    I wouldn't be at all surprised to see that happen again.

  17. here's the latest cuts within the last few days..

    WPG DEL  NIP Brett CAMERON (N/C) (K)    North Dakota

    WPG DEL  IMP Dexter DAVIS (DE)    Friends University

    WPG DEL  IMP Chad FAULCON (DB)    Montclair State

    WPG DEL  NIP Timothy HUTCHISON (P)    No College

    WPG DEL  IMP Marcus HYDE (DL)    William & Mary

    WPG DEL  IMP Sam POPE (DB)    Hampton

    WPG DEL  NIP Taylor RENAUD (WR)    Acadia

    WPG DEL  NIP Jawann WESTERMAN (WR)    Rutgers

    WPG DEL IMP Jonathan HEFNEY (DB) Tennessee


    Sorry to see Dexter Davis being cut. I had high hopes for him.

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