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Fred C Dobbs

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Posts posted by Fred C Dobbs


    Suber was referring to Girgs pesonal siutation and not the team. Know for a fact suber loves the city and this team still, he holds no hard feeligs towards anyone


    He might still love the city but Suber had previously tweeted something that implied he is not a fan of Etch.   Someone had tweeted something about the Bomber D being to small to stop the run & he replied that it was the system not the personnel (or something to that effect).



    Coming from Suber that actually makes a lot of sense.

  2. There were three reasons suggested why Labatte left the Bombers:


    1) he didn't want to play center,


    2) he wanted to join his girlfriend in Sask,


    3) Sask offered him more money.


    I think it was two years ago on a Bombers/Riders pre-game show that Bob Irving interviewed Labatte and asked him which of the above caused him to leave the Bombers. After going on a bit about how he really didn't want to play center, Labatte said "Basically, all of the above."


    I've always thought that Mack was basically blameless about this but I'm beginning to have my doubts. For one thing, the idea to move Labatte to center was a major brain fart. From what I know of LaPolice, I can't see him considering such a move without consulting Labatte. Mack on the other hand ...


    Also, there's this tidbit from LaPolice in his column from a couple of days ago:


    When I was the head coach in Winnipeg, I struggled and always lost in arguments with the general manager's insistence to never sign players from other teams. He believed in signing rookies and rookies alone would be the way we would fix any roster issues and or injury problems. That is why we always had the youngest team in the CFL each year. Often times, he would say "why do we want a guy who was not good enough to play for them?" A couple of reasons: one, they understand the rules and systems of the CFL and two, they may be a better fit for our roster than the team that released him.


    Some guys may be better than what we have on the roster, which is not what the GM wanted to hear but was sometimes true. What the general manager did not understand is that rookie receivers may be faster on the stopwatch when you are scouting them running down a line. A slower veteran will play faster most times in the game because he knows what to do and what he is doing so those guys can play faster than rookies and the QB's will trust the veterans because they are in the right spot at the right time. Many players are excelling in the league today with very average 40 times.


    Another example during my time as head coach in Winnipeg involved signing a rookie International defensive lineman early in the 2012 season over several options that had CFL experience. This player not only had not played in the CFL, he never had played defensive lineman. He was a linebacker who we moved to defensive line. This player did not have a training camp to learn the fundamentals of the position of DL or to learn the rules of the CFL. He was thrown into a very difficult position to be successful, especially early on and also the position coach who had to try to groom a LB on how to play defensive line was also put in a position you normally don't do in professional football; that is teach a player a position he never has played before.


    True to form, we had an injury at the defensive line and the player had to start the next week with only four days of practice. He struggled for two or three weeks with lining up offsides, having not had a lot of experience with the yard off the ball. He took three penalties in his first game just lining up offsides. The general manager was frustrated by the penalties and would try to say it was the coach's fault for not explaining that to him or my fault for not teaching him about it. We actually kept track of offsides daily and did extra work when we went offside in practice but these things will happen to young inexperienced players and the best way for them to learn is through game experiences alone. That is how the player will get better at the position, game reps alone.




    I can't help but suspect that Mack just didn't value Labatte's experience enough.

  3. I remember a player getting an objectionable conduct penatly and Paul La Police very obviously yelling "you can't say the N word" at him.

    Yeah, that was that pre-season game a few years back where LaPolice was miked up.


    I seem to recall another game where one of our black players said something like "Nice play ****** " to a team-mate and got an objectionable conduct call for it.

  4. History question. We're the Bombers always Blue and Gold from 1930 until today? Were they ever just blue and white or blue white and black? I only ask as maybe this is what they were going for? As far as I know they have always had gold but I could be wrong...


    At least since 1935. Vince Leah wrote (in his A History of the Blue Bombers):


    I remember in 1935 when the Blue Bombers came out onto the Osbourne Stadium greensward in their spanking new blue and gold uniforms.
  5. I don't care if you never played the game, and I don't mind negativity if it is intelligent and insightful, but at the very least, the person being paid to report on the game should be a fan of the game, like us, and possess basic knowledge of the rules, actually - more than basic knowledge truth be told. Other than Tait and Penton in some ways, I don't see a lot of true football fans in the media in Winnipeg.


    I'll bet this will surprise a lot of folks around here:






    I'll go on the record and state I just don't like Romby Bryant and it has nothing to do with what football ability he may or may not have left.


    If Romby Bryant had told Mike Kelly to go fork himself in the locker room, I would've been suggesting we throw him a parade. But he quit on the field. Visibly gave up.


    I don't pay to watch guys living out their personal vendettas on the field. I also don't think it's fair to his teammates.


    If he wears the uniform again, I won't boo him but I won't be sad if he doesn't pan out and if he does, when he's replaced either.


    Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road. 


    You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.


    I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him.



    How do I have no idea? I watched the same season you did.


    Yeah but I doubt that you talked to Coach Harris as much as I did.


    Not that Coach Harris ever ran Kelly down. You know he'd never do that. But just learning about some of the stuff that was going on made me conclude that Kelly had to go.


    I'll go on the record and state I just don't like Romby Bryant and it has nothing to do with what football ability he may or may not have left.


    If Romby Bryant had told Mike Kelly to go fork himself in the locker room, I would've been suggesting we throw him a parade. But he quit on the field. Visibly gave up.


    I don't pay to watch guys living out their personal vendettas on the field. I also don't think it's fair to his teammates.


    If he wears the uniform again, I won't boo him but I won't be sad if he doesn't pan out and if he does, when he's replaced either.


    Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road. 


    You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.


    I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him.

  8. I was disgusted by the way me-first Romby Bryant gave up on the our team while he was here and was glad we traded him to Stamps.

    Maybe he can now finally fade into obscurity where he belongs. 


    Gee, I see it differently:


    I was impressed by the way Romby Bryant stood up to that schmuck Mike Kelly, gave him the finger, and forced Kelly to trade him away.

  9. Sounds like a bad one. Prolly occured when [Moore] got jammed by the Argo DB stretching for a catch.


    No word on how long he's out for but my estimate (back injuries) is minimum 2 games to as many as 10 games.


    Yes, Nate :rolleyes: .


    Read on twitter that Nick Moore was back practicing yesterday. How's he looking today?

  10. Officially ratified.


    Will update with details as they roll in



    It will be very interesting to see exactly how they've done away with the elimination of the option year for veterans.


    I would be surprised if they made it retroactive to contracts signed this year. But if they did, that means that come next Feb 15th there's going to be a boatload of free agents hitting the market.


    Just in time for our Grey Cup run :rolleyes: .

  11. OK, I did it anyways...


    2013: (1) Mulumba, (2) Robertson, (3) Fitzgerald, (4) DiCroce, (6) Stephen Alli, (7) Billy Pavlopolous 

    2012: (1) Pencer, (3) Aprile*, (3) Biukidi, (4) Rene Stephen, (4) Jake Thomas

    2011: (1) Henoc, (1) Jade, (3) Brendan Dunn, (4) Swiston, (5) Volny, (6) Liam Mahoney

    2010: (2) Watson, (4) Chris Smith, (4) Woodson, (6) Greaves  


    Bold = still with team

    Italics = good player, or high potential

    *traded for Bucknor, so still valuable


    Please let me know if I missed anyone/pertinent details... I know Kito Poblah should fit in there somewhere but I forget where cuz he was a supplemental pick

    Poblah was take in the 2011supplemental draft and cost us a first round pick in the 2012 draft. So I'd put him there.

  12. Higgins has spoken out about it:


    “Things were starting to unravel. I truly felt we couldn’t bring it back,” Higgins said. “The decision was strictly mine. It was one I felt was necessary for us to get to where we need to get to. I feel better today than I did yesterday.”

    Higgins reminds people of Marc Trestman. He’s a kind and decent man, always positive. Higgins holds his players and coaches to a standard. And it was becoming clear Worman wasn’t meeting that standard. There were whispers concerning him even before the Als reported to camp at Bishop’s University on June 1.

    “There were some things that were happening,” Higgins admitted. “I brought someone in and it didn’t work. We’re talking everything — from chemistry to dealing with the athletes; in meetings, on the field, dealing with any of the people in our organization. It just wasn’t going to work. It became painfully obvious (Monday).

    “It’s about the team, about doing what’s right. Treating people the way you want to be treated. The negatives outweighed the positives and it just wasn’t going to work.”




    “I can tell you these players are happy as hell,” said a league source, who spoke with several Als since the firing was announced.

    Even before he was hired, Worman demanded more money than the organization was prepared to pay, according to another source. We heard he made an offensive comment against assistant coach André Bolduc. There was talk he and Sweet were having difficulties co-existing.

    When camp opened, it was obvious the offence was struggling — and continued with each passing day. Worman had instituted a vertical offensive system, complete with numerous long passing plays. But these plays weren’t being converted, the timing between quarterbacks and receivers lagging.


    This isn’t particularly unusual. Offences always take longer to mesh. But it also was clear there were protection issues up front, the system simply not working. According to a source, tailback Brandon Whitaker refused to run a play. The plays were different and confusing, said one offensive lineman, admitting a players-only meeting had occurred.

    There were comments made by Worman. His attitude upset some players. And he refused to budge on certain issues. Things had to be done his way. There would be no debate.

    “There were definitely some issues that were beginning to arise. Some disagreements. Guys were questioning things,” said a player who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons. “He’s kind of stubborn in his ways. It made it hard for people to operate and conduct meetings.”

    “Some people didn’t understand his personality. He clashed with people sometimes,” said another player. “He didn’t click with too many people — and there’s some people you have to click with.”




    Worman comes across as a bit of a **** head. After he was fired from the Esks, halfway through the 2010 season, Kamau Peterson accused Worman of conducting a personal vendetta against him. I'm glad the Bombers didn't hire him.

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