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Fred C Dobbs

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Everything posted by Fred C Dobbs

  1. Roh was taking reps with the #1 defense again today.
  2. Last year Lapo had some schemes where both Harris and Flanders were on the field at the same time. I hope he does that with Harris and LaFrance because it would be bound to open up ratio flexibility.
  3. This is disturbing: http://montrealgazette.com/sports/football/cfl/bc-lions/lions-release-euclid-cummings-after-learning-of-criminal-charges/wcm/d0de71ef-1bdf-4ec3-97a8-18ae0754665f The charges were filed April 21, 2017. I think he was gone from here by then.
  4. He broke the 4 min record in May 1954 and retired in Dec 1954 to pursue what would turn out to be a distinguished career in medicine (neurology). This is worth reading and contains a video of "The Miracle Mile" which took place in BC while Vancouver was hosting the 1954 Empire Games: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/04/obituaries/roger-bannister-dead.html
  5. I only check that forum out for a laugh. You can't believe anything that you read there. One of their obsessions is a video that shows some native taking a dump in a potted plant in Portage Place. It seems to me that they've got their collective heads buried in the soil of that plant.
  6. Here's an early analysis. Brodie Lawson shows that she's more than just a pretty face: https://www.cfl.ca/2018/02/14/fa-analysis-cfl-ca-analysts-pick-free-agency-winners/
  7. Dunk: So if we traded a draft pick and signed him tomorrow, it would cost us at most 185K for the season. Sounds good to me.
  8. Love this signing. We're doing really well today, IMHO.
  9. Totally agree. Konar is a Vancouver lad whose dad, Kevin Konar, played for the Lions for 10 years and is on their Wall of Honour. Gotta think that growing up in that situation, the kid would love to play for BC. Also pretty sure it was Ed Hervy, the Lions current GM, who drafted Konar when he was the Esks GM. So there's that connection too.
  10. You can get to the cfl.ca page by clicking on the " on.cfl.ca/Vd4030hiWdS #CFL " in the tweet but I liked the CFL's comment about how the Bombers are on here like 1000 times.
  11. Wow, simply wow. Didn't see this coming.
  12. Gawd, I hope so. But we really need Nichols on the field to keep producing those yards. #FingersCrossed
  13. TBH, I read this on lionbackers.com and don't know that it's true: It's their defense that's been carrying them but with the way our offense has been playing, I'm beginning to think we have a chance.
  14. My favourite is Canadian Club Chairman's Select (100% Rye). I can't imagine not drinking it straight.
  15. It would have been beyond travesty if Leggett didn't get the #1.
  16. We maxed out the meter: https:// twitter.com/CEdwardsTSN/status/906699929296543744
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