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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Yeah is there a reason that blackouts were lifted? I talked to people on Saturday in Vancouver about the low attendance and they just shrugged and said "I just watched it on TV". So at some point there's going to be only 10,000 people showing up for games as everyone sits at home? I have to say that there is nothing like a game in person, even in a morgue like BC Place with it less than half full.
  2. Perhaps this will lead to less inter-family procreation in Saskatchewan if the males are all preoccupied with Sunseri...
  3. Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming It appears Jason Vega will remain out of the #Bombers lineup again this week. Not very involved at all today.
  4. What's sad though is that if the Lions make it to the Grey Cup again this year, BC Place will be full of fake fans decked out in Lions gear that won't have seen a regular season game in person or on TV all season. I saw it in 2011 and it was just pathetic. Most of the "Lion" fans there couldn't name any other player other than maybe Lulay or Geroy.
  5. They should have kept Tempire and imploded BC Place after the Olympics. There seems to be no point to having a stadium that big in Vancouver when no one seems interested in attending any sporting events in that town. What a waste.
  6. Does anyone know when this wasn't the case? I've been following the CFL for at least 35 years and I don't remember a year when the East wasn't weaker than the West.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us
  8. The Coward Robert Ford - er no his distant cousin Will.
  9. At least its not on the weekend- that would make it Saturday Night LeFevour. Mr. Dee hacked your account!
  10. CFL News @CFL_News #Alouettes coaching staff have told QB Troy Smith that he needs to play better. Otherwise he will be replaced. #CFL via @DidierRDS
  11. yup sit Grigsby, start Cotton. Keep Woods at punt and kick off returns. Handled internally, we're done. Next question.
  12. And I cannot argue with logic like this. I disagree. I think KBF was way off base here.
  13. We'd go back to the same roster we had in game one and two when Greaves was healthy, correct?
  14. When it comes to hot reads, Rod Black agrees with your assessment of Giguere.
  15. The only time I saw Willy was his dramatic comeback against us in 2012 in the Banjo Bowl, after Burke the tactician decided to punt rather than go for the field goal. His last minute drive to win the game was very similar to his game-winning drive against Montreal. The guy doesn't quit and wants to win very badly. That's about all I knew and that was good enough for me to at least give him a chance with us. So glad we got him instead of Zach or Frank.
  16. so we can go three Nationals on the O-Line this game? Woot!
  17. Those Tim Hortons are in Detroit though, not exactly an economic powerhouse right now, and of course, Tim's isn't as popular as in Canada. Americans don't know what a "double double" is.
  18. ???? Romby just wasn't getting open at all. It was painful. No, clearly on the play in the end zone, if Willy had placed the ball just 5 yards further, it would have been a picture perfect TD. Romby had his man beat, but Willy under threw him. We don't know what the play call was. Romby seemed to be the only receiver who was having issues with Willy. Perhaps they need to work on chemistry, or perhaps Romby isn't running the routes he is supposed to be running. At any rate, I'd like to see someone else in there given a chance, like Kemp.
  19. That throw to Denmark would have been great but Willy was a second or two too late on it. Denmark was wide open but by the time Willy made the read and stepped up for the throw the BC DB's had keyed in and broke it up. I watched the whole play develop as it was right in front of me.
  20. Their OL is truly awful. Worst in the league right now. In the second half I was watching the BC bench and the O-Line was constantly huddling together and the coach was furiously diagraming stuff. I was thinking "oh man they're going to get better now" and then boom Bryant Turner or Zach Anderson would just walk in and touch Glenn and he would fall down. I think in the second half Glenn was just gone mentally after that first drive, he had mentally checked out like I've seen him so many times before, especially when he played in Winnipeg. When he decides he's seen enough and doesn't want to play anymore it's time to pull him, but BC has nobody to put in behind him right now. I think when Lulay comes back BC will be a force to contend with. They just are rudderless and leaderless right now.
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