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Everything posted by bluto

  1. you made me do it... if you like... i can show you the parades from the other 4 Grey Cups we've won since your last one also...
  2. maybe just one of them... ...and don't tell me that the Bombers don't deserve a bit of criticism.
  3. why not? i don't think it violates any rules to incite a Mayor and an entire section of people to tamper with young, impressionable player's parents... fwiw, proud papa was wearing a Cauchy jersey
  4. best start planing the parade route in that case!
  5. I'm tampering up a storm. Mayor Ford is helping (srsly... I have photographic evidence).
  6. Just met Henoc and Cauchy's Mom & Dad at the game. They're sitting front row and digging the game.... (Reggie Williams from Harris for the TD!) ...Super nice folks. Both said they'd try to get their kids to play at home
  7. see? you get it. i was going to suggest that anything over/above the operating costs goes to the Bomber's charity, but you were already there. i'm in a supporter's club of another sport which does the same (any amount over/above our costs goes towards sponsoring a youth team).
  8. 'preciate you guys getting rid of Moon in '83 for us then promptly bowing out to the Leos after losing a heartbreaker in the GC in '82 to the Esks, 10 year old bluto couldn't have beared it happening again the following season.
  9. thanks for the lengthy explanation, Rich. in regards to what you said about having not monetized the site, it is my hope that when the time comes, you will do so. i don't think that any of us want you to have to go into your own pocket for this (though we appreciate tremendously that you have). i have nothing against a site i enjoy making money from my pageviews. in fact, on forums i support, i also click the ads on them to help out whether i want what's in the ad or not. it's when a site owner bails out on his site's community and allows the site to suffer in his absence that i object. clearly, this won't be the case here with you and MBB. my $0.02
  10. better to not... the Tavern's political animus at the 'Zone is part of the reason it died. posters that know me, know where i stand already.
  11. exactly that ^^ besides... when he gets spare time to work on MBB, Rich ought to be working on changing the statuses... it may say i'm advanced... not sure i feel it though...
  12. that'd take awhile... not going to hijack this poor thread even worse than already done...
  13. New Orleans... Chicago... DC... Toronto... sometimes the rot of corruption is ingrained in the culture. i'll be at our little 6,000 person Exhibition tomorrow... maybe it won't be so bad and the Esks are making a good move.
  14. not sure if taking a broadcasting gig would take Winnipeg off the hook... depends on their deal i suppose.
  15. no. usually the coach accepting a new position cancels the former team's obligation to pay them.
  16. first thing i thought of when i saw that DC. this could be the start of something ugly.
  17. the Braley Bowl... i'm imagining the butthurt howling already...
  18. i lol'd and as to McPherson, good for him. i hear he's tearing up that league. i wonder if he'll be in the running for the Ottawa gig.
  19. what part of "his play dropped off so we cut him" is an oversimplification?
  20. well if he's a bust for whatever team signs him, then Mack and Burke are justified... but on the other hand, if he plays good football...
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