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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Can we end this inane debate...now? Thanks.
  2. We have nothing to lose, except that we might keep on losing. I don't think people have anything against Walters per se, they just want to the Bombers to hire someone with a proven track record.
  3. The o line is horrible. We have two serviceable OL and the other 3 are the worst at their position in the league. Which team would take Sorensen, Morley, Swiston, Boatman, or Douglas as starters? Not one. Meanwhile...recent draft picks are doing well on OL's across the league. Just watched the highlights from last night. B.C. OL absolutely bulled people out of the way on that Lulay TD run.
  4. Oh yeah, we screwed up, but could we find some loopholes here?
  5. It may well have been...but any good negotiator doesn't take the first offer...Barker clearly didn't. The Ricky Ray rumour was already floating around when Kelly was here. No one believed it...but eventually it happened.
  6. Could this be damage control by Tillman...after realizing how badly he screwed up? If he had acquired some good Canadians or picks in that trade...Edmonton with Mike Reilly @ QB would now be well on their way.
  7. Contract law falls under Civil Law.
  8. That's precisely the problem. We haven't had a dominant team since '01. All of our teams were 'just good enough' to get to the GC.
  9. Most of the Trans-Canada has some pretty decent paved shoulders...most of the time you don't even have to ride on the highway.
  10. The standard of reasonableness is held in civil courts, it's their job to determine what is and isn't reasonable, not to prove anything beyond a shadow of doubt like criminal proceedings. It's always he said she said in civil matters and it's the courts job to draw the most reasonable conclusion, which they based on the evidence provided. Exactly this. The civil courts operate on the balance of probabilities. If the chance that the Ti-cats were at fault is greater than the chance that they weren't...then the courts will rule in favour of Chris Williams.
  11. With Ray you can actually build an offense around what he does well, the way the D played in the 2 games against Montreal I have no problems saying they'd have won those two games, they would have beaten Hamilton in week 3 most likely as well, probably woulda beaten BC also. So that's at least 4 wins, never mind how many other games might have changes with a more efficient offense. I have no problems saying that if you put RIcky Ray on the Bombers they're a playoff team this season, the east is that poor. Yeah, a third place playoff team, maybe. There are just too many problems. Blatant missed blocks by the OL, questionable safety play, questionable OLB play, lack of a dominant nose tackle (allowing OL to block the MLB), lack of halftime adjustments, etc. etc. etc.
  12. Didn't it? In Reeds first year weren't the esks into double digit wins? If that's not a coach riding the Ray train then what is? Edmontons been pretty devoid of talent for a while, Ray was the only thing keeping them afloat. Oh sure...but then there were the 2006 and 2007 seasons where they missed the playoffs. Point is, teams that are poorly managed won't have a good season even with a proven QB.
  13. The RR bandwagon didn't seem to work for several Edmonton coaches...
  14. I heard some talk about that in TO...but I suspect common sense will prevail...
  15. Contracts are broken every day in the business world.
  16. He was literally the king of come backs in '01...mostly because he wasn't afraid to take chances with the deep ball.
  17. 6 weeks of Collaros eh...trades prior to the expansion draft just got a whole lot more interesting...
  18. He wasn't old, he just playing behind a poor OL. He was only 35 when he retired, 33 when the Bombers traded him.
  19. ehh seems like they're just grabbing anyone and everyone with some experience at this point. Hmmmm...the assumption seems to be that it's a lack of talent...hopefully these are lateral moves at worst.
  20. Yeah well the ultimate in confusion for me was Tom Canada. I always thought January was born in an igloo
  21. It doesn't matter how fast or slow he is if we can't get him the ball. We still need O-line help. Then worry about fast receivers. True, which is why I hope people have realistic expectations for MSW in 2013. Hopefully next season if he sticks around, and the club wants him back, he can showcase his talents in an actual half decent offensive scheme, should we be so lucky. As much as I dislike Barker and the Argos, I'll give them credit for making some tough decisions and rebuilding their O-line into one of the best in the league. We should do the same and then hope to find a Ricky Ray. Then I'll get excited about MSW. Concur. Who says we have to like a head coach? As long as he can do the job it's all good. Dave Ritchie could be a crusty old son of a gun who gave the media almost nothing to print...but he stuck up for his players and they rallied around him.
  22. I'll 'woo' if they bring some import OT's after NFL cutdown day.
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