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Posts posted by voodoochylde

  1. Respectfully, don't be so naive. Lawless wasn't leaked this info cause they like the cut of his jelly jib.


    They're sending a message that people are actually working to solve this sheet-show. 


    The professional thing to do would be to keep the discussion internal so that all parties involved could get the information in a similar timeframe.  Leaking it like this puts undue pressure on Board members and, depending on how maleable that person is, can bias their decision.  It's also a bit of a farce that Mack (regardless of how you feel about him) has to hear about his impending demise through a gossip column. 


    People like to complain about professionalism (whether it's a coach, a player or other parts of the organization) .. this is yet another example where the Board falls short .. do you think True North would air their dirty laundry in the media?  Likely not.

  2. I really hate having to lock threads and generally prefer to let people moderate themselves but this has now run its course.  If anyone has an issue with this, please PM me.


    Thank you to the Original Poster.  I really appreciate the idea and thought behind the thread and am looking forward to "Beasts and Bums - HAM @ WPG".

  3. Try watching him in warmups before a game .. one thing I've noticed is that he tends to throw behind his receivers a fair bit .. granted it's only pregame but those same tendencies were on display in both the Calgary and BC game ..

  4. One reason is on the OL it is harder to find starters because it is mostly a Canadian position. So, they have to be drafted & brought along. On the DL it is an American position so more game ready players can be brought in. One area Mack is terrible at is free agency. He won't sign any CFL free agents. If a Canadian OL is available he ain't coming here through a trade or free agency because Mack doesn't want him. We always hear how he likes our guys better & not other team's players. Well, we are seeing the fruit of that moronic philosophy now. Doesn't help he drafts a Canadian OL who has been out of football a year & has shoulder issues. Drafting is great but these players take time. A great GM builds his team by trades & CFL free agency as well. Mack doesn't do that. Talent is talent. Mack doesn't go out & get it.


    This has been my biggest beef with Mack.  While I fundamentally agree that drafting and developing players in your system .. within your organization .. is key to long term success .. it does nothing to address immediate need.  We were a team that lacked quality non-import depth .. we needed bridge players .. guys who could come in for a few seasons while we replenished draft picks and allow those picks to go through a few camps .. it's pricey in the short term but it's a balanced approach to building a team that's competitive now and in the future.

  5. To me, it is a coach who is running out of ideas. He's already tried the disciplined approach. He's tried the angry approach. He benched Pierce to send a message & that hasn't worked. Now, the fatherly approach seems to be the flavour of the week. He doesn't know how to fix this mess.



    And what precisely is blasting a QB with exactly two career starts under his belt going to do aside from destroy his confidence?  We already saw Goltz's nerves come up during the game .. let's put more pressure on the guy to perform.  In all honesty, Burke was quite candid (with both the pros and cons) and very even keeled in his assessment of the game.  He's also right in that a few more plays on the offensive side of the ball .. this could have been a much different game than it was.


    There are going to be growing pains .. and ANYONE who thought Goltz would come in and shoot the lights out was sadly mistaken .. guys have to learn to win .. learn how to play through adversity .. learn to play together.  For Goltz, it's learning to battle (and keep things level) when things aren't going his way .. a guy has to be allowed to make mistakes .. so that he can develop.

  6. JJ had a great game. really stood out IMO. Makes me think a little more about the theroy that was floating around out there that the guys in our secondary were screwing up because they were trying to cover for Cauchy every game. Cauchy looked freaking lost out there today and when BC scored on him the player wouldn't stop blabbing about how he beat Cauchy fo the score. If Cauchy was supposed to be an upgrade over Logan I haven't seen it so far.


    Better athleticism .. better range .. if nothing else it allows him some latitude to react to mental lapses .. he *IS* an upgrade over Logan in that he has a much higher ceiling

  7. if anything they stuck with the run too much. BC was keying in on it and then sitting back waiting for the short pass on 2nd down and then the bombers punted. 



    Same MO of every defence that will face us .. stop the run and make the QB beat you with his arm .. Goltz is still too eratic at this point (and I don't advocate pulling or sitting him because he needs reps to improve and develop) but you shut down Simpson .. you shut down this offense.

  8. you can definitely tell that the new stadium is just itching for a chance to blow up over something. It's all bubbling under the surface and as soon as there's some excitement that place is going to be crazy. 


    I absolutely agree with you.


    Being at the games .. you can tell people WANT to cheer .. they WANT to explode .. they WANT to rally behind something exciting .. part of it is new digs .. part of it is needing something to believe in .. unfortunately, it's going to take a drastic improvement offensively .. I don't see that happening in the short term.

  9. They make a lot of changes to players on the defense for reasons other than injury, I want to see them take the same steps on offense and just see what happens before we start firing people higher up the food chain. I'm very much against mid season firings unless they're doing serious damage to the roster long term, so in the situation we're in now let's have a look at what we really have for depth on the offensive side of the ball. Lots of the people starting there now are obviously not getting the job done, let's see what's up next. Put Swiston on the o-line, put someone else at RT, see if that changes anything. Let's get a good long look at someone like Doug Pierce without other guys being injured. They've stuck with the same under achieving bunch of offense for so long time to see if new players don't help. Once you see what you've got for players then let's make some decisions about the rest. Going with the backup qbs like they did is a great first step but there's other positions that they need to take the same approach with. 


    The problem with the offensive line is that I don't see anyone on our current roster as a guy who has a mean streak .. who can, hat on hat, drive a guy off the line .. Pencer may be that guy but we won't seem him at all this year .. and who knows if he'll hold up physically ..

  10. The answer to the question is complex.  But I will say this.  I am now less emotionally involved with the team.  I don't feel the same kind of rage or sadness with losses as I used to.  Obviously, some of that is just growing up and changing life circumstances but some of it is a certain ennui setting in.  But that's happneed before and as soon as I get a whiff of possibility around the team I will be all in emotionally once again. 


    It's apathy .. and I know it's setting in for a lot of people .. it's really hard to rally around the team when there's constant futility (at least on one side of the ball) .. it's also why something like Swaggerville blew up like it did .. it was exciting .. the guys were making plays and winning us games .. people WANT something to get behind but for the most part people simply expect a "meh" performance.

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