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Everything posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. I imagine that's due to their run block assignment
  2. Both outside linebackers are essentially additional DBs who can tackle downhill this day and age in the CFL
  3. The initial domino has been set in motion. Excellent.
  4. Should we suffer a heartbreaking loss to the Elks in this game, and subsequently decide to sign Shawn Lemon, I will eat an entire lemon, including the peel and pith, and share the video right here as proof. Mark my words.
  5. Lemon's last season was a statistical anomaly, and it's likely that teams are hesitant to bring him in this year after reviewing his tape and when considering his age and his price. It's unlikely he'll replicate last year's performance in a different situation, he benefited from moments of opportunity.
  6. I love a Blue Bomber gameday more than anything in the world. It's a burst of excitement that fills me up with delight, a thrilling Red River Ex carnival ride that rarely disappoints and keeps you on your toes, and a community celebration that brings friends and family together. Gameday is my vice, my fix, my favorite day of the week. I can't wait until kick off this evening. Go Blue!
  7. Is the White out a thing we've been doing in previous years? Or are we just trying to trick the Elks into thinking this is another home game for them to lose.
  8. Is he planning on pivoting from pickle ball to tennis?
  9. Some people are fans of the Bombers without being fans of the sport or League. I don't get it myself. Bob's victory celebration made me smile as a fan of the sport and league
  10. Did Haba leave the game with a hamstring injury? Those are rough and linger. I pulled my hamstring last month and it still feels like it could go on me again at any step. Note to my fellow 55+people , pickle balls skills don't translate to tennis! Ouch
  11. Do you ever engage in meaningful discussions about football or do you solely resort to condescending remarks towards newer forum members you consider unworthy?
  12. Insightful, I thank you. I suppose the loss of stove and Sayles hurt more than Wilson it seems. With the resurgence of the DT positional importance down south (Jones, Donald, etc), i would hope we'd continue to audition new American DTs in season and put pressure on Walker to become our dominant Nose tackle, he hasn't impressed. Aside from the yard of the ball, what other challenges do American defensive tackles have adapting to the Canadian Hand
  13. Not one to defend PFF and their mysterious performance criteria, but Mr. Fajardo has the quick release of a stoned Galapagos tortoise and has exhibits a tendency to hold the onto ball longer than her Majesty The Queen clinged to the British Throne. He will always make his Oline look worse than they are. He'd get sacked behind a brick wall covered in razor wire before he there the ball.
  14. I question what you're inhaling. You're stumbling into countless logical fallacies, lol.
  15. Alas, Kyrie Wilson is not Larry Dean, and it would be illogical to draw major conclusions from Dean's recovery from an Achilles injury. Banking on Wilson's impactful return in the immediate future would be an unwise decision. While I do wish for Wilson to have a seamless recovery and be prepared to perform exceptionally well, I am not putting all my eggs in that basket. We need a plan B for shoring up our run stop
  16. I always root for a fellow Winnipeg boy. I have great admiration for Bobby "Shake 'em up" Dyce
  17. We can expect a significant improvement in our defensive strength once Wilson returns to full health. However, considering the challenges of recovering from a torn Achilles, I'm not 100% optimistic when, or if, we will witness Wilson completely fit this year.
  18. I've lost interest; I'm too old for internet arguments and finding the right chatgpt prompt is tiring 😉. I will be joining the large crowd of users who have chosen to ignore this individual.
  19. After reading the article and Morris' quotes, I totally get it and find the comparison very humorous, haha. Just so you know, I'm not the same person, and I've got no standing issues with Lyle Bauer. He was long gone before I started getting into Bomber fandom. Long Live Wade Miller.
  20. Fascinating perspective. Feel free to reach out when you finally grasp the basic concepts of player substitutions 😂 Lol. Who? This website is quite peculiar and insular, except for a handful of exceptionally insightful contributors.
  21. I personally don't, but It's evident that Geebrr intended it as an assault on my character. Embracing the peculiar is truly marvelous, while conforming to normality can stifle the essence of art, culture, and individuality.
  22. Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the intellectually bankrupt.
  23. In my opinion, JuranBoldenRules has been exceptionally clear, and I comprehend his message completely. I'm perplexed as to what you find unclear and what you're attempting to inquire about. It's a simple roster swap.
  24. Chris Jones longs for a winning percentage of .200, but regrettably, his current standing is far more humiliating at .167 😂 Meanwhile, the esteemed Tim Burke managed to reach an admirable .250 before being canned.
  25. His true coaching legacy lies in Ottawa, where he undeniably ranks among the top three head coaches in REDBLACKS history.
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