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Everything posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. It's referred to as indulging in the local cultural scene. I had my wallet ready to compensate the "cultural performers," but it vanished by the time I returned to the hotel! The boss wasn't pleased having to cover my expenses for the rest of the week. Fortunately, my wife found this story incredibly amusing and took delight in sharing it with our friends and family, much to my chagrin.
  2. I hate the city of Montreal with a passion. On one of my first work trips as a young man my wallet got stolen on a gentleman's night out on the town. It was a real pain in the arse to replace everything and the rest of the trip was so stressful and tense. One never been back and I blame the city and have never forgiven them. Down with the Als, down with the Habs!
  3. Thanks to a family camping trip, I managed to avoid witnessing this stinker of a game. Our previous family outing happened to overlap with the dreadful inaugural game against BC. It seems like my son has a knack for scheduling, almost like he's clairvoyant! 😂
  4. Ragging on Holm is pure nincompoopery. The Ivory Interceptor will prevail!
  5. Jones seems to have an unquenchable thirst for power. Who'd want him as their coordinator? You'd always be side-eyeing him, wondering when he'd swipe your gig with that metaphorical broadsword. And don't be surprised when he bolts for greener pastures leaving you holding the bag, just like he's done time and time again in the CFL. Team player? Nah, it's all about Team Jones. He's a wannabe Belichick, minus the actual talent and success – which just makes him a jerk.
  6. He's from before I followed football. Why does everyone hate him?
  7. Unlikely, he'd need to achieve 35 completions to accumulate that amount of yardage.
  8. Browsing through these responses, it makes me think some of you would be of the opinion that The Reverend was actually the protagonist in Footloose, and unfortunately, he ended up on the losing side of his determined struggle to outlaw dancing in the town.
  9. The folks here are such sticklers. Let the players have their fun—it's just a game, after all. Come on, lighten up and enjoy the little things in life, you party poopers. Life's a wild ride with unexpected twists, so why not soak up the moment?
  10. Find a suitable girl from Winnipeg for him and make it an environment that is challenging for him to depart. This approach has been successful with other players (and coaches). Or, less eloquently, baby trap the young chap.
  11. Bailey delivers a touchdown-making block! What an impressive performance from that outstanding gentleman, I must say.
  12. Weak flag. If the refs can judge intent for the flop onto Zach, they can judge intent for a receiver tip toeing the line 🙄 hate that
  13. Arguably one of the top 5 quarterbacks in the league, and given the current state of CFL QBs, I'd even venture to say possibly among the top 4!
  14. He executed a beautiful blitz from the second level, charging towards the Lions' quarterback. He didn't secure a sack, but his intense pressure affected the throw significantly. He surged forward with remarkable speed, like a laser beam.
  15. I was being facetious when I labeled a particular commenter above as a "Fake News Declaring Election Denier" in a different thread. Interestingly, it appears there might have been some truth to it, which also explains their later emotional outbursts.
  16. I'm a big fan of Brian Cole. I'd wager he's the quickest person on the team. A true athlete in every sense. He's the one I'd choose to spy Ford throughout the entire game. He deserves a bigger role
  17. Maintain contain, maintain contain, maintain contain. That's the defensive line game plan required against a mobile quarterback with minimal game footage. Force him to rely on his throwing ability, and ensure you don't let him escape the pocket. It sounds simple, but it becomes challenging when you're tired. We'll rely on our offense to keep themselves on the field and give the defensive players a break, especially since our defensive line rotation isn't ideal at the moment, to put out lightly.
  18. I hear Local Metis politician Kevin Klein is whipping up a special logo for our Sept 30th home game!
  19. My physician has stated that switching from Liegghio to Castillo has done more for my blood pressure than years of medication!
  20. I can't wait to catch tomorrow's game featuring Brian "Blitzing Bolt" Cole. His bright performance in limited plays has me eager to see him in action, especially as he seems to be a great match against the Elks' young and mobile QB Tre Ford.
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