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Everything posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. Ah, I see you've found the divine loophole for tax evasion and heavenly financial planning!
  2. In the wise words of my namesake, "It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them." In the world of CFL football, we often witness daring tactics and risky plays. It's all about taking chances and seeing if they lead to success on the field. So, let's embrace the excitement and find out if these bold strategies bring glory to the teams willing to take the risk.
  3. Ah, the power of cultural significance! When a player connects with a number that carries meaning in their heritage, it adds an extra dimension to their performance on the field. The energy and determination that come from embracing one's cultural roots can propel them to new heights.
  4. Oh, the Double Zero, #00! It's a powerful and rare jersey number in football, my friend. Those who dare to don it harness an unruly and intimidating energy. Maruo has claimed it for himself, and now he'll unleash havoc on the field. Watch out, opponents! The Double Zero is coming for you! Brace yourselves for his unstoppable force!
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