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Everything posted by J5V

  1. Hey! Stay POSITIVE in this thread. Besides, MOS came here because of the Dalai Lama. He told me so personally. 😉
  2. Cowboy mentality and American influence. I alway disliked that place.
  3. The Dalai Lama, one of the world’s holiest figures, has emerged as a surprise Big Blue booster. “Victory to the Blue Bombers,” he scribbled in Tibetan with a black Sharpie marker on some Winnipeg Blue Bomber equipment, adding his name to the lore of this city’s Grey Cup-seeking CFL team.
  4. I'm just saying I'd like to hear both sides before passing judgment. I don't understand the hate.
  5. Condemning the man before he's had a chance to defend himself? I agree.
  6. How sweetly delicious would it be to beat the Stamps on their home field after some of the crap Bo has said about us? Even better though, would be rolling into Regina and ending the hopes of the green machine just like we did last year. I hear Rider fans are pulling for us to beat Calgary because they think they can definitely beat us. Let's give them what they want and show up for the WF!
  7. Very odd indeed. So Gaitor gets no chance to defend himself? He's automatically a jerk? MOS sure isn't saying much about this. Haven't heard a peep from Hall on this. Just curious but does it make sense that Gaitor just quit the team for no reason other than a role/position change? I mean, sure, it's possible, but it doesn't pass the smell test to me. I'd sure like to have been a fly on the wall and heard both sides of that conversation. But in the CFL the coach is the supreme commander and whatever he says goes. We have only heard O'Shea's side of it and he is being extremely terse with the one-word answers. I hope one day we get to hear Gaitor's side of the story. I mean, he was, after all, a Blue Bomber player. I think he's deserves better from us than immediate condemnation. Then and only then might I make a determination as to whether or not he made a selfish decision.
  8. No, no, no, geez! LOL! Positive vibes. We need positive vibes!
  9. Let's build up a stream of positive energy to send to the Bombers for the WSF in Calgary. No negativity allowed! If you even dream a negative thought and post it here you better wake up and apologize. Only positive, winning thoughts, feelings, ideas, memories, images, videos, and wishes. Go Bombers Go!
  10. My adrenaline is already flowing and I'm not going to sleep well. By game time tomorrow I'll be a burn-out. If we win the stakes only get higher. Such are the CFL playoffs. Go Bombers Go!
  11. A lot of the same people but yeah, there's a few different ones over there. :-)
  12. O'Shea has done a lot of good things here and he gets props for that. He brought us back up to a winning standard and he learned to be a head coach. Fair exchange. If he wants to go back home to Toronto then I wish him all the best. There's just the matter of a little bit of unfinished business here to take care of. Go Bombers!
  13. This is where O'Shea needs to make it very clear to the officials that they need to be on the lookout for this crap. Calgary's Oline did a fair amount of outright tackling of our pass rushers last game as well. If I were O'Shea I'd be making that clear to the officials as well. This is not the time to be Mr. Nice Guy hoping a call or two goes your way because you are so nice to the officials. Dickenson is a master whiner out there and often gets his way just because the officials don't want to have to be confronted by him. F(ck that siht! O'Shea has been a head coach for 6 years now. He needs to start imposing himself on the officials as an Alpha Head Coach to neutralize Dickenson's incessant whining.
  14. IMO Medlock is the best all-around kicker in the CFL, bar none and possibly in the NFL as well.
  15. I do too (think he quit), but you said he was "canned" so I was looking for clarification. He's listed as being on the IR and to add to the confusion one report says his role was changed and another says his position was changed. One of the biggest lies in pro sports is that you don't lose your position due to injury. That may very well have happened here too but I just don't know. I do know the timing of this sucks.
  16. He didn't quit, he's not on the IR, he's been canned, right?
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