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Everything posted by J5V

  1. I realize this is me being superstitious but I started this thread for the WSF against Calgary and we won. I kept it going for the WF against the Riders and we won. I am sure as hell not going to ignore this thread today even if I am the only one to post anything here. So here goes ... It's great to see all the positive energy flowing towards our team all week for them to use in the biggest game of them all. Let's keep it going and amp it up to an amazing crescendo by kickoff and all game long. BBBBBOOOOOOMMMMMMBBBBBBEEEERRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!
  2. The Calgary and Sask fans thought that too.
  3. What I mean is, he is not likely to ever be a genius Xs and Os guy but he has improved and he may be a great player's coach that understands nuances of football and the men that play the game possibly better than any other coach in the league. For example, there was a moment this year, after a game with Ssk, when O'Shea had to be restrained from going after Craig Dickenson when one of the Riders concussed Chad Rempel. That moment sticks out for me because in an instant there was no doubt in any Bomber players' minds that O'Shea had the back of his players. That kind of thing is what can meld a group of individuals into a team. There were other things that happened too but that one really stuck out for me. I'd go through a brick wall for a coach that I knew had my back like that.
  4. It all depends on your definition of "great".
  5. That's a little harsh. He has improved slow and steady.
  6. I was a big fan at first but that soured as he started doing some bizarre stuff and I began to question his intelligence. I said he was too green and that he had a lot to learn and it might take 10 years for him to get the needed experience. Well, it took 6 years and here he is in the championship game. Well done, MOS. I was a little off.
  7. There you go. You're an expert on men. Congrats!
  8. Can somebody post a pic of that for us, please?
  9. You and I need to have a talk some time about freedom of speech. I'm a big fan of it and I suspect you are to. Being a professional I bet you have some interesting takes on the topic. I'm not a fan of Corus radio.
  10. Yeah, well, you probably deserved it, being an argumentative cuss AND a Ticat supporter. Pffft! What a loser! 😉
  11. Yes, the dreaded triple post bit me. My bad.
  12. Andre Proulx has become quite popular in Canada due to his work in the CFL. One day Andre and his wife were sitting in a lovely St. Boniface cafe and a reporter who was there to interview Andre began chatting with Mrs. Proulx. “Madame Proulx, what do you think the most important thing in life is?” “A penis”, she replied. Overhearing, Andre said to her gently “I believe, my dear, dat in English eet eez pronounced ‘appiness.”
  13. What I like about here is that if you say something silly you WILL be challenged on it, which is good because it gets you thinking and you can try again and be immediately accepted by the same posters that challenged you. Also, you can be positive and/or negative as long as you can make a good argument. Here if you have an opinion people want to know why. You can't easily be an automatron here. Over there, some folks tend to be a little more rigid, almost fundamentalist and you don't necessarily need to have a supporting argument. Due to these differences I generally enjoy both sites but have had times when both have also turned me off but that's due to my own finicky nature. :-)
  14. Yep.You guys had an amazingly successful regular season and playoff so far and you have some very good players. Congrats.
  15. I would have elbow smashed him a couple times, and then submitted him with a figure-four leg drop. :-)
  16. I believe you and I've been saying something similar for a while now. I do suspect that Collaros' diagram may look ... better, although I also suspect it would trend down over time.
  17. I'm just wondering, if they look similar, then it suggests a strict design by Lapo. If they look different, then obviously there are some changes being made depending on who is behind centre.
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