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Everything posted by greenrider55

  1. Well the praises of Dru Brown will slow down for a bit. Jake Maier is who he is.
  2. Bahaha… I just said to my dad “Hmmm maybe I don’t want Buck as our HC.”
  3. The decrease in Brady O’s touches in the 2nd half is inexcusable.
  4. Holm hit him on the arm and Begelton whipped his head around. Brutal. The refs love having an influence on the game.
  5. Curious… is that not illegal contact (or PI) on Roberson? He blocks Lawler from getting back to the ball, I realize he has equal right to the ball but that seemed too early.
  6. Lawler at the back of the endzone is almost impossible to defend.
  7. I wonder if Lawler finds himself in the NFL next year. He’s just so good. Maybe his second look goes better.
  8. Chilly in Cowtown tonight. Might be wet too, could be a running battle.
  9. It’s nasty out here today, worst it’s been in a while. It would be good if the expected rain tomorrow comes.
  10. McMahon of course is the worst stadium in the league, it’s absolutely pitiful. For those that haven’t been, the Saddledome might be worse. If you get a beer at intermission, you’re guaranteed to miss the first five minutes of the next period.
  11. Bahaha. I wish I owned one, I’d definitely wear it to McMahon! Not that I’d get heckled much by the Stampeders “faithful”
  12. Might go to the game Friday night, first Friday night in Calgary in a while. Tickets are dirt cheap to go to McMahon.
  13. Fair enough, that’s just sports too. Happens so often, and it’s hilarious unless it’s your team!
  14. I’ll make the trip to Regina for the LDC as always, but Yeesh. It’ll be the roughest one in my lifetime me thinks.
  15. For sure. The Waggle looks offside a lot of the time, but isn’t.
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