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Everything posted by greenrider55

  1. Just ran into Buck Pierce at the mall, had a good chat. Very nice guy.
  2. He actually was a drop machine last season. Reminds me of Fantuz in that aspect, Fantuz was ok in his rookie year, but dropped a lot of passes. Year 2 is when he really took off.
  3. DT said he doesn’t think Grant is close, but is encouraging to see him out there
  4. Oh I love southern AB. I grew up in Medicine Hat, actually played at the same high school that Nate Coehoorn did. I just personally hated playing in Cardston.
  5. Played a game there as a sophomore in high school, field conditions were so bad. Had frozen the night before, and was surprisingly warm the next day. Awful memories in that dump.
  6. Also possible Schoen is just one of those dudes who is perfect with the waggle. That was suspected by some.
  7. I hope Dolegala, but who knows… Fine is just too small. Especially Vs a team with Willie Jefferson.
  8. Dickenson historically has a losing record after the bye I believe. Makes sense as he couldn’t motivate an angry bear to eat. I’ll be at the game, regardless of how putrid the result will be for my boys, the LDC has never been a bad time. Almost always good weather with a few rums mixed in. If any of the MBB crew is around let me know, beer is on me.
  9. Few days late to this, was out of town for the weekend. Context was more so that we clearly cannot do worse than the Faj. He’s utterly useless back there, and has Winnipeg-itis. I thought Montreal would put up a better fight.
  10. Just another questionable decision from Zach.
  11. That’s a brutal decision from Zach… I’m talking Riders Zach.
  12. Speaking of Faj’s 2-9 record Vs Winnipeg, he’s 0-6 at IG. No good memories there, including a wild stomach flu.
  13. Cody is what… 2-9 Vs Winnipeg including playoffs? Yeesh. Not that anyone has a great record Vs Big Blue since 2019.
  14. If Brown starts the LDC could be a good game… if Collaros starts, it likely falls apart for the Riders in the third.
  15. They’re incredibly unlikeable. Which is too bad because I think Campbell & Phillips are solid coaches.
  16. Re: Lawler, Roberson & Nick Taylor did a pretty good job covering him tonight. Not an easy task at all.
  17. Well the praises of Dru Brown will slow down for a bit. Jake Maier is who he is.
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