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Everything posted by greenrider55

  1. You know me Booch, I’m pretty damn realistic when it comes to my squad lol… Dicky is so out of his league it’s not even funny. He makes MINIMUM one decision that hurts the team per game.
  2. God was that awesome. Ever since Betts sacked Fine on a meaningless last play of the game and was dancing around like an idiot… no time for him. It’s a shame as I think Ryan Phillips is a smart coach.
  3. That is largely due to the offensive offense of Kelly Jeffrey, and his amazing ability to turn the ball over on downs. A lot of short fields, or defensive scores.
  4. Gee, you must’ve really been down in the dumps when the Bombers lost to Ottawa then The Rider D actually statistically is top 2 in quite a few categories. I realize that with Fajardo no longer being a Rider, he’s not as despised around these parts, but lets not pretend he’s all of a sudden a difference maker.
  5. Riders Vs. Cofaj this Friday. It would be very Riders to lose to Cody, fingers crossed we don’t. I can see it now “Not only did they make me feel unwanted, they also beat me on the field.”
  6. The reactions are very “blah” with a lot of people saying he was too injured, some saying he flat out isn’t good, and some being alright with it. I say again, it has worked out incredible for the Bombers, who with their elite OLine have largely kept Zach clean, and created what is likely one of the best comeback stories not just in the CFL, but in sports. Seeing Zach get that headshot from Lawrence in week one of 2019 was devastating, especially after the cheap shot from Odell Willis in 2018. Bless the Argo doctors who found something in his neck that needed adjusting, and began the turnaround. It’s a great read, @Booch gave me a chuckle when he said “I’m happier with having marshmallow head at QB than just Streveler”
  7. No Bomber fan was too excited if I recall. Most called it a desperation move. Worked out beautifully, I think having the 2020 season off was the best possible thing for him.
  8. He was in a situation where Winnipeg had never seen him before, and weren’t ready for his legs. 9/10 times the Bombers win that game.
  9. And again the Riders win a game they deserved to lose due to Clueless Craig.
  10. I’m happy, yet sad. A loss might’ve spelt the end of Dicklesson.
  11. Pretty nice ball. That’ll take time to develop, but that was nice.
  12. Crum isn’t nearly as effective when spied, which isn’t surprising. That being said, I still hope he’s good. The CFL needs new blood at QB.
  13. Fine has a pretty weak arm when throwing sideline to sideline. He‘ll need to work on that to QB in the CFL.
  14. Bane is currently the leading YAC yard receiver in the league, maybe that was it
  15. And would be in a wheelchair if he still was.
  16. Absolutely. I get it, as I am an Oilers fan. He can win every year and I’ll celebrate. If Collaros was a Rider, I’d be ecstatic if he won three MOP in a row. Especially if he deserves to win, which he has the last two years. At this juncture he’s on track to win again, but who knows with the media… especially with Kelly being a Toronto guy.
  17. If he doesn’t win it, it might just be voter fatigue. Same as people not voting for McDavid to win MVP, it’s too easy.
  18. I remember you all being a fan of Nick Taylor in his days with the Bombers. Good to see him playing again! I thought his last injury might’ve been a career ender.
  19. I would argue there’s no clear class of the league at this point. It’s Toronto, BC, or Winnipeg… but no one has separated themselves yet.
  20. Unlike BC, Toronto’s DLine is actually good, and complete. Not just Betts dancing around. They have five guys who brawl.
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