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Everything posted by greenrider55

  1. I’ll tell you what. Micah Teitz is our most outstanding player. As in he’s mostly out there, standing. There’s always next year! Or 2025!
  2. Oh yea I never even thought of Strev. He’ll almost certainly be brought back.
  3. The receiving core is legitimately insane. On any other team Lawler and Schoen are #1 receivers, but they share the job in Winnipeg. Demski probably too. It’s an embarrassment of riches. Best QB, best RB, absolutely insane.
  4. The CFL does this every year. Hell, the panel was talking about the Elks finishing second in the west before the Labour Day game Vs. Calgary. I remember in 2021, after Lawler went off for 200+ yards vs BC, they were still saying they could win the west. Any team that strings together a couple wins in a row, they try to create a dialogue.
  5. That’s just slow lateral play, likely has trouble anticipating, therefore gains ground slow. Alex Singleton made inflated tackle numbers look good, but that’s not the norm for everyone.
  6. I’m not sure how much it’s been discussed… but is Sankey one of the more overrated players in the league?
  7. Yea that’s a fair observation for sure. It looked like KSB was attempting to talk to some guys at the end of the game, but the defense had zero going for it. Zero fire there, zero.
  8. You yourself know how long it can take to build a culture. MOS began to see success in 2016, and obvious you are where you are now. Dickenson is going backwards, is obviously not the guy. I disagree slightly on Dolegala, I don’t think you can make a definitive judgement off of four starts. I’m not saying he’s the answer by any means, but you certainly want to see more out of him. Dru Brown has shown well in his time, but I think it’s the same approach, you don’t know exactly what he is once he leaves Winnipeg.
  9. Most sensible Rider fans know the wins over BC/Winnipeg had nothing to do with Dickenson. But the loss in the Banjo Bowl, that’s where you see Dicky’s impact on the team. They just don’t care what happens because they know he won’t react or do anything. Even if the Riders do make the playoffs, it would be ludicrous to keep him around.
  10. Fun fact about Migs: I once questioned his opinion on something related to the Riders, and he PM’d me asking if I wanted to meet up and fight him. It never happened, but that story cracks me up every time I think about it.
  11. Today was just one giant fart noise. Good thing I bought a new bottle of rum yesterday. Cheers fellas, enjoy NFL Sunday for those of you that watch.
  12. 51-6 with 5 minutes to go. We need a 45 point drive here and we’re right back in it.
  13. I’d rather they just keep Jake in and let him throw the ball, honestly. The game is over, do something with the loss. Get something out of it.
  14. Well, I guess I’ll continue with my renovations. What a pathetic showing. Dickenson with the typical jaw dropped gaze on the sidelines. Lol.
  15. Should be a good one. Likely an arse kicking but for whatever reason, the Banjo Bowl is always fun to watch. Enjoy the afternoon gents.
  16. Biggest name on that list is Cameron Ward from Washington State (BC’s neg list) Funny is I actually remember Brock Purdy being on Winnipeg’s neg list a couple years ago.
  17. Here’s the tweet: https://x.com/yfburnna_cmh/status/1699434443859996959?s=46&t=nPL_S68pqx5_mW0vo9Nbzg Wouldn't surprise me either way. Maybe Jones picks him up now
  18. Duke Williams tweeting that he’s out of Hamilton. Who knows with that dude.
  19. I believe it was around 2009-2010 when the Montreal police force was pursuing criminal charges against Zdeno Chara for a hit on Max Pacioretty, it didn’t go anywhere, but I suppose it’s a possibility. Or if you look at Steve Moore/Todd Bertuzzi, Moore’s family did sue Bertuzzi and I believe won(?) not 100% sure.
  20. There’s a good video of it on Twitter. I was at the game so I saw him do it, but didn’t see much after… it’s Micah Johnson who immediately was dumbfounded. Unbelievable stupidity.
  21. I can echo the Kramdi sentiment… he’s slow to react, can’t tackle well, and is useless on a blitz. Surely Parker or Darby could do better than him
  22. Again gents, great game. Foxcroft or whoever and his crew should be embarrassed.
  23. Hell of a game. Great to be at. Pete Robertson is a level 200 idiot. Embarrassing to see that.
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