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Everything posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. Lol.....where did I ever call Calgary elite ?....all my opinion is , is that the term "elite" is being over used.
  2. My personal logic tells me not to use the term "elite" at all for any of the cfl teams. I thought the term was used for teams like the New York islanders when they won four straight....,,, or a team like the patriots who have repeated the past by continuing to win championships....... for me just being at the top of the standings does not even necessarily earn the term, which toronto did prove to us last season. And as for your trolling bash I find that hilarious. somebody has a different opinion ...and then somebody does not like it so they automatically resort to calling others trolls. And if yer a regular from that other board don't you find it funny that I commented way back ....that I didn't think Matty was very good with the long passes, and that he was not a very good scrambler.....you can actually say these things here without anyone getting agitated.
  3. Bombersforum.com.....the home of easily agitated thin skins whom you must agree with or you can't be a part of it. This place doesn't seem so thin skinned and I have seen many posts here that would be reported on that forum...... I like this place so far.......less blue kool-aid but still just enough.
  4. Okay I can agree with these comments....,,but an elite team in the moment should be able to win a playoff game or two at the end of the season right ?
  5. Are you saying you would give Matt Nichols two years to get on track before even thinking of letting Streveler show what he has got again ?
  6. I just got back from being in the bush for four days......Booch, I got tossed from you know where for my Matty opinions...and I come back to read all this stuff, too funny. The CJOB guys were saying much the same stuff during the game, old school camping and listenening to a bomber game is still fun.
  7. Seriously you couldn't wait until the morning lol....... I am gone camping tomorrow so it's gonna be one of my seasonal CJOB games...... I'm looking forward to it
  8. So once he is off the stuff will he still be as good a player ?
  9. TSN has five channels.....one of them would be covering the game for the rest of Canada.
  10. Must be kind of the same scenario where a poster gets banned from a fan forum because others get hurt feelings over that posters opinions.
  11. I could post a lot of "captain obvious" situations.......... which makes it kinda funny to me when Bombers fans talk bad about teams that have won since we have.....
  12. I'm not comparing any of the years to just Calgary...... just to the fact our last win hasn't been a GC in awhile.
  13. If we ignored them until we kick their asses it would be even funnier... me and my Regina sister in-law are really starting to get into it....but have yet figured out what to bet this year on our series...
  14. Yeh But the way Streveler looked when he played he could start for a few of the other teams right now.
  15. I thought the general consensus after the last game was that Hall called an okay game ?
  16. Same thing could be said about the Bombers over the last ........how many years?
  17. Yet Streveler just popped up on the scene and did very well. TSN needs better scouts.
  18. If IGF had a hotel attached to it I wonder if that would help ?
  19. Theories abound on J. Manziel’s failed CFL debut. One thing that is irrefutable—The Cdn game is very different, 12th man, field size, motion etc., and J. Football simply hasn’t progressed far enough down the steep learning curve to draw any finite conclusions on his upside. these comments about Johnny football makes strevelers debut in the CFL even more exciting right (?)...
  20. those BC uniforms tonight are ugly.....and watching them against the Calgary colours just makes it all worse.......
  21. What I miss about the old stadium/location was how easy it was to keep the party going. We travel from out of town and would stay at one of the hotels close by, when the game ended it literally took only minutes walking to a nearby restaurant or bar. Now waiting for everyone to load a bus to get back to your hotel takes long and kinda kills the party by the time you get back. If you know what I mean lol.
  22. K, good enough for me. I'm holding you to your word. 😃
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