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Everything posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. Enough with the johnny football hype..it appears over. I am wondering now if we can beat the cats when we play them.
  2. When you think back about watching Strevelers real game playing time.......kinda makes you think he is going to be huge in this league real soon.......
  3. Johnny football is just getting warmed up.....that last toss was nice.....even telling the receiver where to get to while running
  4. Didn't it kinda work for the Bombers last game too ?
  5. That's just what has happened, I did not realize we aren't allowed to mention it.
  6. I respect Matt Nichols. I respect every player that plays hard for the blue and gold.
  7. To be fair I never said I hated them. Hate is a word our family stopped using over twenty years ago. I did say I don't cheer for the new Jets, I stuck with the coyotes and still do.
  8. No lol. I have never liked the oilers......watching Gretzky and them beat the jets back in the day drove me nuts.
  9. In the past I never liked when we would hit a bye week, always wanted to keep watching the Bombers play every week. But this year is different to me somehow, the team looks strong and I think is fairly healthy. I'm hoping a break and some rest this coming weekend helps them even more going forward.
  10. Somebody else said that....I just said maybe eh
  11. I am not pissing nor moaning.......... I just don't think it's right that people are saying I said things that I have never said.
  12. He only went a yard, and only got yard by falling forward. Never really did get to see him run. I was surprised they called a play like that for him.
  13. I am not worked up at all, I find it funny that people jump to using that term just because another poster doesn't think like them. And I wasn't trolling in the playoffs, all I did was say the real jets in my opinion are in Phoenix. I am not a jets fan, that's just a fact.
  14. I have never said that Matt sucks, ever. You are just making **** up now for some reason. And as for calling me a troll it makes you sound like a thin skin from the Bombers forum. Are you ?
  15. When are Bomber fans gonna stop worrying about rider fans...... sheeeeeesh
  16. It is a stat. Get used to it. until it changes, who cares
  17. Can somebody show me where I blamed Nichols for the losses. And I have given Nichols credit for getting to where the team is record wise. .....and I definitly never " hate" players....... .....I hope Matty can get his ring with the blue and gold this year.....and maybe another one after that. ..sorry if I don't drink as much of the Kool-aid as some GO BOMBERS
  18. That Ward for Ottawa is money today.
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