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Everything posted by MrFreakzilla

  1. That is tremendous, no matter how many other people liked it I didn't
  2. It was boring. If I want to watch long winded promos I will start watching WWE again.
  3. I didn't like it, so many bad segments and boring beat downs. Jericho standing in the ring waiting while somebody else kept talking and talking was awkward.
  4. The infamous Hall prevent defense now in effect
  5. Streveler looks dangerous but seems to be trying to catch his breath.
  6. Demski looks like our best offensive player
  7. If it was Streveler you would have gone on and on about how great Streveler is for donating. If it's not a big deal like you say, then don't comment. We all know you're a jerk, no need to confirm it every chance you get.
  8. I personally enjoy hearing fresh new ideas from different people. So nice to to not read the same post over and over and over again.
  9. Are they planning to start Collaros? If not then why even make the trade.
  10. They should have at least given McGuire some real game reps to see what he brings to the team.
  11. It seems at least one of his points is indeed a fact. So your comment is absolutely wrong. My question is how many other of his points are also facts?
  12. I mean stop talking about him and constantly wondering if he will or won't come back. Hoping won't make it so
  13. Let him go, if he doesn't want to play then wish him luck. The ex gf rarely comes back no matter if you think there's a chance.
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