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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Stupid is as stupid does... https://www.tsn.ca/willis-apologizes-to-ambrosie-after-critical-tweets-1.1202357
  2. I don't know about that. I've never heard of a team nominating one player over the other to save money on incentives. If any team did that then that would be terrible. Powell was the better player all season. Harris stunk on more than a few occasions.
  3. No idea about the process but how can Harris get this nomination over Powell? It's a joke.
  4. Trevor Harris wins MOP nominee over William Powell. WTH??
  5. Good for him. Although Vince could fire him.
  6. Virtually the same as 2017. Matthews is a waste of time.
  7. Booch, he's just baiting you. Ignore him.
  8. Mods, how do you let this Rider fan stay on this site pretending to be a Bomber fan?
  9. Let other teams not respect us. That's okay as far as I'm concerned. It's perfect going into the playoffs..
  10. Some drunk Rider fans attacked a Calgary City Police Officer when he went into the stands to stop a fight at a Stamps game a few years ago. .
  11. They had a big hit in 1998 with That Song.
  12. These Priders are the lowest of the lows. No other fanbase acts like that & I have zero respect for them.
  13. Okay Prider, whatever you say. At least have the guts to stop pretending you're a Bomber supporter.
  14. We don't know what they're going to do until they have a team. Sure, I expect them to hire French speaking coaches but I don't know why it's a big deal. They could also hire someone who is English. Or Swedish. You also can't compare Manitoba to Quebec. Culture & population wise.
  15. None of the injured Stamps receivers will be back. They're all gone for the season.
  16. Reports are Trestman wants out as he isn't happy with the team & how it fell off a cliff this season in the standings. Don't know about Popp but I also read that Popp has been feuding with MLSE who are the owners of the team. That can't be good for his future employment opportunities with them.
  17. Can someone explain to me how the Argos became so bad so fast?
  18. Did they ever say they would do that? Just hire French Canadians. I mean the Canadiens do the same thing. Interesting that the last time the Canadiens had an actual dynasty Sam Pollock was GM & Scotty Bowman was the Head Coach.
  19. I think that QC would be a huge success. They're crazy about hockey there. Every game would be insane with noise. It would be a great atmosphere to watch as a fan or to be a player.
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