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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Typical Bomber plan of attack when up by 20 points. Play soft defense which is Hall's MO & sit on the lead offensively which is LaPo's. Need 7 yards, well just throw for 5.
  2. Labonte always felt that Meleschuk never deserved to win that game but he STOLE in the extra end. Meleschuk made the shot when he had to & Labonte did not. I'm sure The Big O has had some great laughs over the years over the way Labonte threw that game away.
  3. You should hear the howls today in Calgary over the arena deal. Living here, I think most Calgarians wanted to see a new building. Not so much for hockey but for the fact almost every major act bypasses our city for Edmonton as the roof on the Saddledome is too low & it can't support the equipment being used for sounds & effects. If we want to see any bands or entertainers we have to drive to Edmonton. The vocal minority (I believe) are making themselves known on social media.
  4. Labonte always kinda blamed Meleschuk for what happened. Like he should have conceded. Labonte jumped, touched the stone & lost. Never to be heard from again.
  5. Watching the same promos 10 times an hour, no thanks. I'll pass.
  6. If you watch a show on Paramount the same ads play over & over. I am learning to avoid that channel like the plague.
  7. I remember November of 1972. Canadian Women's Champ Vera Pezer challenged The Big O to a "Battle Of The Sexes" & he accepted. It was televised on the CBC on their program the "CBC Curling Classic". Trouble was, Orest Meleschuk spent the time before the game preparing up in the bar at the St.James Civic Centre. By the time the game started he was feeling no pain. I remember the first end when Meleschuk threw his first stone & nearly fell down but held it together... Don Wittman, doing play by play, exclaimed that, "The ship looks a little unsteady!!" I think Pezer beat the reigning World champ that day but obviously Meleschuk didn't care. There were so many characters in the sport half a century ago.
  8. Sky high ticket prices were to blame as well. Blood sucking promoters. Stupid.
  9. I go waaaaay back to the John Brodie & Gene Washington era starting in the mid 60's. Now Brodie didn't look like your prototypical qb but what a great player he was. Should have gone to the Super Bowl in 1971 but the Cowboys had a huge second half comeback to beat the Niners that day.
  10. Been a 49er fan since I watched them as a kid on CBC back in the 60's. Loved their uniforms right from the start. My son lives in Seattle & he's involved with football coaching down there so the Seahawks as well.
  11. This afternoon, Calgary city council approves $550 million dollar event centre (arena) deal they negotiated with the Flames & Calgary Stampede Board. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-arena-funding-deal-approved-1.5230639
  12. He is such a great short yardage qb that he is a weapon. He needs playing time to determine what he may be able to do which is a tough thing to get.
  13. Needs to develop his pocket presence & learn to do his reads, hang in there & throw the ball in the teeth of a fierce pass rush. Not just take off when his first read isn't there. That takes time. And patience.
  14. If Wally did come back you can bet the first guy to go would be Hervey. Wally would be in total charge & there's no way he'd answer to that guy.
  15. Must be a walk down memory lane for O'Shea & Walters this week.
  16. Yep. Not much more you can say about it.
  17. Sorry bb1 no guarantee he'll ever be a starter. Here or anywhere else. If Nichols was lost for the season could Streveler carry this team as far as it could go? How many great running qbs have we seen come up here & do nothing as a starter. I want to see him do more than he does as his role is limited & its about time Osh & LaPo allowed him to do just that. It's the typical backup qb scenario. The backup needs experience to play but how can the backup get experience when he doesn't play?
  18. I don't know why you think if he goes to another CFL team he'll be a starter. I'm beginning to think he's a Dan LeFevour type qb. Big, athletic, great in short yardage who can run but he can't pass consistently. When he was in for injury relief of Nichols he didn't look like he could generate any drives downfield.
  19. I'm groovin' 1990 & our corners are Rod Hill & Less Browne.
  20. Some of the discussion here is disturbing. If & when the time comes that charges are laid then we'll hear about it. Until then, why are we disparaging players characters? Questions like, What happened? Did Matthews start it? A teammate stabbed him? The Bombers & the cops are supressing charges until after the season so the team doesn't miss out on a Grey Cup? I remember 2016 when Stamps Mylan Hicks was murdered at a bar here in Calgary. I don't like when someone comes on here with a so called "story" acting like they have the inside scoop because a family member is a cop. Just to impress us. Maybe true. Maybe not. Well, not impressed. If it ever comes out the Bombers had anything to do with supressing charges & the Winnipeg Police agreed then heads should roll. And don't give me a bullshit story that this isn't what it's about as it sure as hell is.
  21. He hasn't really shown he can be a starter. Yet.
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