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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Absolutely agree. Those 18 beds would have made a big difference.
  2. We have the same here. Kenney talks a big game about enforcement here & then does nothing because he's afraid of upsetting his base by arresting pastors who seem to have their flock under some kind of mind ciontrol. His wanting to cut nurses & ICU beds once the pandemic is over is just crazy. Because we live in a country of few natural disasters, war, religious persecutions & insurrections. Our lives are mostly peaceful so people get lulled into a false sense of security & governments can use that as an excuse to pass along their political agendas.
  3. Agreed. Pallister needs to be held accountable. These deaths were totally preventable. To me, it's a criminal act. His government killed them. So, what's going to happen now? kenney wants to do the same here after lamenting how he didn't want to see the ICU be overrun. He wants to cut healthcare... still. I doubt there'll be much of an appetite for that here.
  4. He should be charged as a criminal because that's what he is. Are people talking about this?
  5. I bet Wheeler is glad for the time off after that puck in the groin. I just can't imagine how that must have felt. I mean I can imagine but I don't want to know. I mean, i probably know I just don't want to describe it. I mean, I can describe it, I just don'r want to feel it. I mean, I can feel it but I'm trying to black out now.
  6. Mc David will probably have to leave in order to do it.
  7. Is this because Pallister closed ICU beds & did he actually lay off nurses?
  8. I thought you were talikng about a lack of leadership at critical times with Marcel Dionne. He was money. Dionne was a great leader & desering of a captaincy. I never saw him berating his linemates on the bench for all to see like McDavid did last night. Okay Pulijarrvi fed him a bad pass. **** happens. Who gave up the puck to end the series?? McJesus. Bet he won't be held accountable the way the young Finn was by being demoted to the fourth line. McDavid needs to realize that being a leader is more than yelling at teammates.
  9. Did you see Dionne play? You might want to use a different player as he was a great centre. Yeah, he played on a Kings team with teammates Charlie Simmer & Dave Taylor. All 3 had over 100 points & were called the Triple Crown Line & were together for 2 seasons. But there wasn't much on that team for much else. That line dominated until Simmer broke his leg in 1981 going into the playoffs.
  10. 2001: One of the worst coached weeks by a HC (Dave Ritchie) going into a championship game I think I've ever seen. It was treated as a holiday & even a joke by the entire Bomber organization because they just knew the Stamps would just lie down for them (insert sarcasm here) & let them win as it was ordained by God. Let your players mouth off to the media talking trash about the other team & act like complete asshats all week. Thanks, Dave. That still pisses me off two decades later. The Bombers had lost that game by Tuesday of Grey Cup week.
  11. He did. I'll just say there's no "I" in the spelling of team. Except on the Oilers. Defense was tenacious. I'd challenge that.
  12. We'd have lost the series without Morrisey. Still not a PoMo fan but let's see how far we can go. Our D is actually playing well with the only names being Morrisey & Pionk. They aren't that bad. Helle bails us out.... They ran him out of town in Calgary. I don't think he's that likeable as a teammate. How can a guy with so much talent keep bouncing around?
  13. Watching hockey for a lot of years. Just drives me nuts to see some of these goals that get by.
  14. It may be but so many backhands or shots up high today get through when in years earlier they never did.
  15. Yep, of course you wouldn't know. No surprise there. Of course being stupid you still talk trash.
  16. NHL goalies today give up so many brutal goals. They're always on their knees so the can't move fast enough from one post to the other like on the goal McDavid scored. If Hellebuyck was on his skates he might've been able to move across & stack his pads thw way goalies used to do. Another weak goal given up by Hellebuyck.
  17. Yeah, McDavid looks so inspired. #playingoutthestring We score two goals this perios & they keep talking about McDavid. Or arguing on the Oilers bench.
  18. Bomber home games during the week used to start at 8 pm in the 60's, 70's & 80's. Then nearly an hour ride home to Riverview by bus. Up at 7 am to be at Churchill High at 9 the next morning. Years later when I was working full time 8 am. No one seemed to mind. I sure didn't. It was nice to be able to go home for dinner after work & then go to the game not feeling rushed.
  19. If you can sweep you do it. You don't want to give the other team any opportunity for hope. Slam that door shut.
  20. Has anyone not seen what has happened to Oilers owner Daryl katz face? Apparently he has a bacteria resistant nasal infection & has had numerous surgeries. He's unrecognizable.
  21. They both haven't enjoyed being in the spotlight this series with the criticisms thrown their way. They grossly underestimated the Jets & came into this series with too much overconfidence. Like the saying goes, plans change after you get punched in the nose. And the Jets delivered a haymaker last night. Blood was spilled.
  22. \smith isn't the goalie to carry the Oilers to the promised land. He was shown the door in Calgary.
  23. I can't recall a comeback like this with either the Jets 1.0 or 2.0.
  24. That 1972 Western Final loss for me was the lowest. Just the way we lost was depressing. Knowing had we won we'd have probably been GC champs...
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