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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The word "change" is a word that is forbidden in the culture of the Winnipeg Jets.
  2. I think it's way too early to worry about that now.
  3. Kenney wasted $1.5 billion dollars of AB taxpayers dollars on this pipeline & he needs to be held accountable. The dummy asshat should have waited until after the election & not made that decision before. Especially when the province is supposedly broke & he wants to cut healthcare & education. What a maroon of a politician.
  4. We get excited because in the CFL we have a very good chance of winning a Grey cup championship. In the NHL it is the opposite. From impact free agent players not wanting to be here to players leaving when their contract is up, it's like we have no chance as there's always huge holes to fill. That's the difference between the CFL & NHL.
  5. My son knows Vernon Adams in Seattle. He said Adams told him he's leaving for Montreal in 2 weeks to play. So, take that for what it's worth.
  6. I never said that ever. I said the CFL has revenue stream problems & there are no new ones available. They have a limited TV contract with TSN which while friendly to that cable network & brings in advertising money for them seems to short out the CFL revenue wise. Just about everyone agrees with that. The league is looking for new revenue streams so they're talking with Redbird Capital. They need the Senate to pass the single game betting bill asap. Why a bunch of old foghats in the unelected Upper Chamber would hold this thing up is beyond me. This should be law by now.
  7. And... TB4 is taking this thing waaaaaaay too seriously. It's all about dissing every inferior team to the Bombers any way you can & have fun doing it. All 8 of them. Feels good rhetorically to spread my wings again. Season getting close. I can feel it. Just relax TB4 & have a little fun. Those comments were never meant to be taken seriously.
  8. It's been so long since I dissed another team it was like getting a homework assignment from school.
  9. Stamps drafted Quinn Smith after he was suspended for life in U Sports. Then he was suspended for 3 games by the Stamps as he did it again!!. Harris had played years with the Bombers & Lions & it was a first time offense. Joffrey Reynolds physically assaulted his girlfriend. Jerome Messam was charged with voyeurism. Although to the Stamps credit he was released by the team.
  10. What was the name of that Stamps player who took PEDs, was suspended by U Sports & the Stamps drafted him anyway?
  11. We sign our draft picks & the Stamps continue to draft thugs, criminals & cheaters for their roster.
  12. i don't think it has to be unanimous, does it?
  13. Looks to me like it was an idea that didn't work for Clint. We've all done dumb things in our lives. Except this was on an international stage, He tried a bit of comedy that fell absolutely flat. I won't eviscerate him for that.
  14. Great actors can have conversations with chairs. Now, try it with an empty one.
  15. That Laz YBoy is his horse. His gun is a .44 Magnum. "I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or 5? Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement, I kinda lost track myself. But this being a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky??' Well, do ya punk?" Ha, ha. I always loved Clint Eastwood. At 45 or 90.
  16. How can they afford this & why Winnipeg the #1 hotspot in North America with ICU's full? Better hope there's no outbreaks & these players don't crash the health care system...
  17. What's the beef? Apps are so futuristic. Almost Buck Roger-ish. TSN is slowly getting into the arly 20th century by adding cameras to their broadcasts instead of smoke signals. The CFL on TSN. Brought to you by Conestaga Wagons. Visit your local Conestaga Wagon dealer & go out for a test ride. "Conestaga Wagons... When you just gotta get there!!"
  18. Except in you know where with you know what. "Best summar evarrrrrrrrrr!!"
  19. Besides the politics, Alberta is a nice place to live. Whenever I drive west of Calgary along the eastern slopes of the Rockies, I half expect Clint Eastwood, John Wayne or the Cartwrights to ride out of the distance.
  20. My son considered trying out in the TSL. Until he found out he'd have to pay. He knew his chances to get to the NFL were slim at best & none left town so he never tried.
  21. The Spring League isn't paying their coaches.
  22. My condolences on that. Very, very unfortunate.
  23. My youngest would have been devastated. He really liked basketball but he absolutely LOVED FOOTBALL WITH A PASSION. Having that taken away would have been so sad. I think vax passports are a great idea. Let the anti vaxxers stay at home & rot for all I care. They deserve it.
  24. I'm so glad my 2 sons are adults & are married. My youngest would have not done well remote learning. He struggled at times in junior high with paying attention & he went to school everyday. Being on his own to learn away from his friends would have been hard. Plus he loved sports. When he was 14 he played bantam football & basketball. Not having those 2 outlets would have been frustrating for him. maybe even a life changer as football took him to the US to play, coach & eventually live. My eldest would have adapted. He was a smart kid & now a smart adult but he would have been very unhappy not seeing his friends so in that sense he would been frustrated if he was 16 or 17. I've no doubt that he could have handled the on line learning part. Just glad we never had to handle what parents & their kids have to handle now.
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