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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Anyone know what network? I cant seem to find it.
  2. Oops nevermind, that was the TSN draft list.
  3. He's got us taking Nicholas Dheilly, Defensive Lineman.
  4. Jesus Carl Kidd sure gave that guy a **** stomping. Seemed a little excessive. Never like that ***hole.
  5. Milt put up gawdy receiving stats with the best of them, but its his touchdowns that really separates him. Lets face it, scoring is the most important part of any sport and Milt did it better than any receiver ever by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin. Pitts is 30 away from Milt and Simon is 43 away. Not even close.
  6. I was at that game. Correct me if im wrong, but wasn't that also the game where Riders LB Reggie Hunt set the record for most tackles in a game? Im pretty sure it was.
  7. Arland was awesome. One of my favorites when he was here. Anyone remember the wild August 2002 game against Calgary where he caught 4 TD's in a crazy comeback win?? Down 41-27 with 2 minutes left and we won it in overtime. Not gonna lie, I left early lol but still one of my favorite all time games.
  8. Agreed. People forget that Milt was putting up big numbers with a carousel of god awful QB's for the first half of his career. Dear lord I couldn't even imagine what kind of numbers he would have finished with if he would have had Khari and Glenn for 13 years. As opposed to Pitts who had a combination of Flutie, Garcia, and Dickenson(not too freaking bad hey?) throwing him the ball. Not to mention Simon who also had Dickenson, Printers, Buck, and Lulay. All of which were light years better than the revolving door of utter garbage Milt had throwing to him in the 90's.
  9. Don't forget that sack of french s*** Ed Philion. The guy pretty much ended Khari's career.
  10. Hopefully they put out some kind of DVD/Blu-ray with season and Grey Cup highlights. That would be sweet! I still have the 1990 Bombers Blitz VHS! Anyone remember that beauty??
  11. Any idea when the ST holders early single ticket window is??
  12. Why do POS rider fans keep coming onto this thread, talking their usual verbal diarrhea, and making me think there is an update on Derel Walker?
  13. Sweet Jesus I could live 1000 lives and never get tired of watching that Thiadric Hansen hit! The other angle is even better, he lifts the Hamilton blocker like 3 feet into the air and launches him like a freaking torpedo into the returner. Why do my shorts get tighter every time I watch that clip?!?!?
  14. Oh man, I still remember one morning listening to them and I was literally laughing so hard in my car I had to pull over. It started with Hal having a cold and he had a lozenge in his mouth. So he's talking and all of a sudden goes "Oh I just swallowed a fishermans friend", and instantly BJ goes "yeah I heard that about you" and then Hal starts laughing uncontrollably while BJ just keeps going. "Was he salty?", "Geeze I heard jobs were hard to come by on the east coast but common man", etc lol. It was just BJ throwing out one-liners with Hal laughing uncontrollably barely able to breathe. I had tears running down my face. Those guys were hilarious together.
  15. I enjoy Hal in the afternoons. He's definitely come a long way since his bar gig days at The Oak. Most of his topics, discussions, etc are mostly puff pieces, but lets face it, he needs to pander to his listeners which are probably like 70% geriatrics. But im still a listener when im in the car and im 41. Hal is like a comfy sweater. He is after all the 34th Greatest Canadian! Right in between Gordon Lightfoot and Laura Secord lol.
  16. Still hoping for a sinkhole to swallow that POS and make the world a better place.
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