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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Need to get our poop together for the second half, start throwing some more looks at the kid, too many easy completions playing 5 yards off their receivers.
  2. A lot of "looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane" so far this year.
  3. Pretty invisible all year. Cant think of a single instance where hes stood out.
  4. Great start then kinda poopy. Really shooting ourselves in the foot with a endzone pick and fumble on our 15.
  5. How on gods green earth did they rule that alouette ball??
  6. Really Dinwiddie? You call a running play out of shotgun on third down at the 1??!? And had extra time to think about it?!?!
  7. suitor agrees with the pass interference call? you dont say......
  8. Not "deafening" enough to drown out suitor's constant rider orgasms.
  9. Making Powell look like the second coming of George Reed out there.
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