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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Postma has been a dumpster fire all year. I had hopes that he would be a good puck moving dman but he's not showing that now. Can't move the puck and can't defend.
  2. Isn't this why Edmonton overpaid for Lucic? Someone to help protect McDavid? If he's not doing it, why is he there? It was like last week when Sheif got tripped in the pregame. Why didn't Thorburn step up? What's the point of him dressing if other player's are still able to take shots on the stars? May as well replace him with a skilled player.
  3. Please no. I like Chiarot and I like him with Buff but I like Morrissey more. Morrissey Buff Enstrom Myers Chiarot Trouba
  4. Did you see Nicholls trying to connect with a receiver over 20 yards? LaPo did just fine. He worked with Nicholls skill set and helped him excel. I'm happy LaPo will be around for at least another year.
  5. No, way. He wanted a 6 to 8 year deal. The market was set. He had the cap space. Bridge deal only helps Chevy move Trouba now, which he never wanted to do.
  6. He played in the World Cup and has been working out. My guess is that he's plays tomorrow against the Stars.
  7. Sure, we'll forgive criminals, if they're OUR criminals. But don't throw shade at our team/city!! (We'll see)
  8. If he does, I wonder what type of reception he gets from the locals.
  9. I would be shocked (but I have been before). This bridge deal is a trade friendly package that helps get a move done. Trouba's time here is very limited.
  10. No, let Phillips play. They need to play in games to get better. Let Pav stay where he is. He's providing a veteran presence and, by all accounts, has been truly professional about the situation.
  11. Meanwhile in Winnipeg, we have goaltending depth that most GMs are envious of. Shutting out Vancouver? They are worst team in the NHL.
  12. Yeah, part of what makes Perrault great is the reason he gets hurt so much. If he were bigger and stronger, he would likely get paid a lot more and not play for the Jets.
  13. Goaltenders are injured across the NHL. Price and Lundkvist have not injured their knees... yet. Still another month before they start to need stretches of time off to heal.
  14. Now, based on the spin that PoMo gave the other day, Lowry won't make the same mistake and lose his man, allowing the Craps to seal the win.
  15. It's made even worse with all the bonus money. Can't buy it out. Albatross.
  16. I don't think Stafford and Myers are on IR.
  17. That's interesting but not surprising. I think Chevy was fortunate to keep Buff and not Ladd. Thank goodness Ladd held out for more money! He got it and the Islanders will be saddled with that contract for seven years. The poor GM that replaces Snow will curse his name everyday.
  18. I'm saying I don't think it changed direction. What we need is for our goaltenders to get better. And they'll get better with experience.
  19. I don't agree. I see it hitting Helle's glove. Look, right at the tip of the glove.
  20. Let's pretend this is true for a moment. Imagine that conversation... Maas: Honey, you need to get job. Ms Maas: What? Why? Maas: I'm not wearing a microphone and the CFL is going to fine me. Ms Maas: Why don't you want to wear a microphone? Maas: On principle. Ms Maas: Well, do other coaches have to wear them? Maas: Oh yes. So, can you start looking? Ms Maas: Oh for sure. But I'm not taking any job where I can't dictate the exact terms of my employment. Where I'll only follow the rules that I want. Maas: What? Why? Ms Maas: On principle.
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