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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I want Corney to make a big jump this year.
  2. We're just starting 7 Oline to show off to the Riders.
  3. Only helps Saskatchewan if they're prepared to start him and I don't see that happening.
  4. I read that article and my head hurts. It's such a mess. Who's editing this mess?? It's totally unclear but Jones MUST be referring to Eskimos but the amount of references to the "CFL" and starting their "first game" is just weird. It's like Jones was told to write six inches but only had enough material for two.
  5. All the Rider picks are emotional, not based on the on-field product.
  6. Thinking about Saturday, Jones is going to go crazy with the amount of pomp and circumstance around the new stadium opening. It drives him crazy to have his team out there for the national anthem, never mind a whole ceremony. I bet his anxiety rubs off on his team and they come out flat and distracted.
  7. Interesting that a Republican President is proposing an internet tax. That will play well.
  8. Totally emotional. They all want to believe in Jones because they all lauded the hiring by Saskatchewan. And, they're opening the new stadium.
  9. What scares me about Thorburn on the Moose is all the 'fighters' going after him to make a name for themselves. If he can go, just play and not have to fight every chump, then I'm happy.
  10. Thorburn is only 3 days from being re-signed.
  11. And coming off a MAJOR knee injury.
  12. I was thinking more match-up wise, rather than suggesting how much they actually play. Perreault is always an option at centre but only during as a result of an injury. He's just never established himself as a consistent centre with the Jets. Whether that's on MoPo or not, I'm not sure.
  13. Said, no, to what? I would say the Jets are doing their due diligence, like any professional hockey team would. You need to determine what is available, at what cost. I would still say Elliott is their number one target. Cost-term-reality wise. But that's an opinion based on what's been reported.
  14. I don't disagree with this. Are you calling the 3rd line the "checking" line here? If so, I agree. I could even see Perreault out there on the 3rd, with Connor taking his spot on the 2nd line. I believe the trio of Connor, Roslovic and Lemieux will all start with the Moose. There will be injuries that will give them opportunities during the season to play for the Jets. Maybe they take someone's spot, permanently.
  15. I wonder if this will be the case? Aren't we moving to a dispose and replace society?
  16. This is quite the study. Very robust and detailed from what I've heard and read. I would like to see this replicated in other markets to determine if it remains statistically significant. It's certainly has economists talking. McDonalds? Forget McDonalds. They're moving to automated systems. In one generation we're not going to have many of the low-wage jobs that we currently have. Like manufacturing, it will all be automated. We need to move past the idea that jobs are "coming back" to North America. They just don't need labour any longer.
  17. Chris Jones is the coach/GM/equipment manager for the team in Saskatchewan. If Drew can blow up a safety, surely, he can blow up Jones.
  18. Seems so bizarre to say this but... the Oilers are in trouble for if they sign McDavid to that contract. He's worth so much more but it's going to cripple them. Ah, the salary cap! The hope is that they can attract players for less just for the chance to play with McDavid.
  19. Enjoy the new stadium. Have fun Saturday (before the game but not during or after).
  20. I think they're looking for a partner for Buff. Yes, Enstrom works well with him but I think Enstrom/Myers works better. You need to find the right player but Chiarot has played well there in the past. Morrissey - Trouba ???? - Buff Enstrom - Myers Chiarot. I guess Kulikov fits.
  21. You'll need to buy him a lot of beer to make up for the pain of being in Regina.
  22. Yes. It's worth listening to the interview Devin gave to TSN1290. Quite the insight into his time here. I'll dig it up later.
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