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Everything posted by JCon

  1. It's a long old story and well known. They knew about the controversy when they hired him.
  2. Nope, it's traditionally red and was red in the movies until Avengers 3.
  3. If you're not already sick of the whole controversy, here is an opinion piece that argues in favour of the song. https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/baby-its-cold-outside-1.4936071
  4. Deano is my favorite. I've never heard Zooey's version but I'm a big fan of her, so I'll add it to my playlist.
  5. Apparently, Trump has been openly discussing replacing him. So, one has to wonder, whether this is of Kelly's initiative or he's being pushed out. Maybe Hannity is the next Chief of Staff?
  6. Perot hurt him, for certain, but he was in free fall, as well. Social issues were catching up and the time was right for a "change". 41 was so closely tied to 40 and people could see that trickle down didn't work. There was fatigue from 12 years of the same stuff.
  7. It's one of my all time favourite songs, never mind being one of the best Xmas songs ever. Those fighting to get it banned have little understanding of what true message of the song is. In fact, it should be celebrated to show how far we've come as a society that a woman doesn't have to worry about being shunned for what she decides to do in the privacy of her own home (or someone else's). The fact that CBC has banned it disgusts me. It's a public broadcaster that plays all ranges of music. If the private companies want to ban it, then they should be able to do so, and I shall take my business elsewhere. Ridiculous. Thank god for streaming music.
  8. JCon


    Wait, is Frankie in the HOF too? Matilda needs to go in with Davey and Dynamite.
  9. JCon


    Not to be too blunt but what would someone like Beefcake make on a 30-day tour like that? You say it's a years worth of money. How much cake (Beefcake) are we talking? I understand if you can't or won't share.
  10. But so is every other team. They won't be able to lock up their key guys and ours too. So, there many be some musical chairs but I don't think we'll be dramatically better or worse through FA. That being said, I agree that this thread will change dramatically before the start of FA.
  11. I've fought this fight. https://www.morningbigblue.com/community/topic/11381-game-61-james-armstrong-richardson-louis-armstrong/?tab=comments#comment-320630
  12. He makes very good money but he wears many hats. Imagine if you has to cook and wash dishes for the entire team and the second (and possibly third) team that they keep hidden away.
  13. I watched Hostiles on Netflix the other day, which they recently added. I enjoyed it. It's not fast paced but tell an interesting story. And, I'm a sucker for Westerns. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hostiles/
  14. Part of it could have been the principle. Some people have already lost their jobs and Jones took a 10% cut. If Murphy doesn't maybe someone else loses their job too.
  15. There's not enough weed and alcohol available for that.
  16. So, what do the Riders do with all the money it has to spend now? They can't spend it on players or staff.
  17. Holy geez, how much were they spending?! They've already cleared a bunch of salary.
  18. A dream come true? $650 dollars is a lot of money for something I would have wanted 20 years ago but have kind of, only kind of, grown out of.
  19. That's an interesting move. I thought Murphy was a well regarded scout?
  20. For comparison, the AAFL is going to: Atlanta, Georgia Birmingham, Alabama Memphis, Tennessee Orlando, Florida Tempe, Arizona Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio, Texas San Diego, California Only one current NFL city.
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