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Everything posted by JCon

  1. It's only funny in the short-term, though. In the long term, this can't help but make them better.
  2. Wait, did Trump acquire the Big Macs through illegal means? He's conspiring with the Hamburgler-Sanders? Yuuge if true. On a serious note, I hope McDs didn't accept a personal cheque from Trump or they won't be seeing any money.
  3. He is the King of Salamasond!
  4. As read on Twitter but can't find the tweet now... It's like when the DEA makes a big bust and they put they're haul out on the table. The day the Trump Administration took down the Hamburgler!
  5. But where can he hide her? I just assumed he could contract her in the Microverse, where she's been chillin'.
  6. I assume the Avengers, big and small, go to the Quantum Realm to retrieve her.
  7. I think Captain Marvel there right now, no? Otherwise, where is she hiding?
  8. Yeah, it's a ton of cash but he's involved in almost every defensive play and is a leader. I just hope he's lining up next to JSK next year. That's quite the duo!
  9. On CFL.ca, I read a Stamps fan say that this was good news because it meant that Singleton was definitely coming back to Calgary or they would have signed Bighill.
  10. Yes, well Captain Marvel obviously has to turn back the clock somehow, pre-dust. So, that brings everyone that died back into play. But, how far back? They're not killing off Gamora. Loki?
  11. I don't think so, not when characters like Spider-Man and that "died". Some characters though, where they've had long runs and a full slate of movies, I could still see going. Tony Stark? I could see him dying in End Game. Cap? Maybe. Hulk? Well, Hulk can't die. Loki? Well, he has a new show coming, so I'm not sure how they play that. But he died before the finger snap.
  12. BC Place was reno'd less than 10 years ago. It's nice too.
  13. Yes, his aunt knows. Yes, he survives and so does Nick Fury. We also know that Strange comes back and so do some (all?) of the Guardians because of another sequel.
  14. It's not a way to pay players under the table. No way Spiring hires Bighill if he doesn't think that he gets every penny invested back in new clients and exposure. Wellington-Altus is making a business decision here.
  15. No way is Trump going to be beholden to the Germans of Hamburg. Pull out of NATO is all but confirmed now. Freedom Fries and Hamberders for all!
  16. There's no way to grow the revenues within Canada? None at all? Toronto is now lost to the CFL? BC and Montreal are sinking and there is no way to grow revenue in Canada? I don't buy that. Go ahead and spread the game to Mexico, and hopefully it will pay off, but the opportunity cost and saying that we can't grow Canadian revenue will hang on Ambrosie's tenure. Getting Bell to move the Grey Cup, the premiere Canadian sporting event each year, to CTV would grow revenue on the next television deal.
  17. Coyotes have the picks to do it. I don't think Marner is going to cost them $10+ or I don't think they would pay that. They'll get Matthews locked up before Marner (plus Marner might want that anyhow). Nylander is just under $7 AAV after this season.
  18. You know that phenomenon when fans bases over value their players and assume that players that show flashes of being very good are all of sudden destined to be superstars? This.
  19. I have a Chromecast audio and it's great for what I use it for. Too bad they're discontinuing it. I have seen them regularly on sale for $20 and have been for the past two months.
  20. The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site' https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/24/chicago-police-detain-americans-black-site
  21. I'm not sure he has any team insiders but I'm certain he talks to other journalists. And journalists love to talk and speculate. And journalists love to repeat things they hear from teams and agents, like Kurt Over-charge, to build up speculation. Lawless used do this tons. Sure he had tons of insider information but he also created a lot of rumours by spreading info fed to him by teams and agents. If they wanted it out there, to be speculated on and to send a message to the other side, they spoke with Lawless. Sometimes it came to fruition but lots of times it just remained talk. EDIT: But in this case, everyone at TSN loves stroking the Almighty Leafs. Who would possibly walk away from the greatest team on the planet??
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