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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Unfortunately, he will have a Secret Service detail for the rest of his life. I wonder if that means he'll be in isolation in Sing Sing? Wouldn't that be the best fate for this narcissistic, racist piece of garbage but to be stuck alone in self-isolation for the rest of his miserable life?
  2. I wish the alt-right would go away.
  3. There are three types of pardons Trump is handing out right now: For those that did illegal things to benefit Trump For those that have dirt on Trump and he wants to placate. Those that are offering him a financial reward for their pardon.
  4. Proving again that the Cons are morally reprehensible. O'Toole's full on alt-right now. It wasn't just a move during the leadership campaign. Enjoy the wilderness.
  5. I loved Night Court. Cheers and Night Court were an awesome combo. RIP Harry Anderson.
  6. Connect To Innovate is the program name and it's still up and running, AFAIK. The Connect to Innovate program is investing $585 million by 2023 and will bring high-speed Internet to 975 rural and remote communities in Canada, including 190 Indigenous communities. Challenging geography and smaller populations present barriers to private sector investment in building, operating and maintaining infrastructure in these communities. This program supports new "backbone" infrastructure to connect institutions like schools and hospitals with a portion of funding for upgrades and "last-mile" infrastructure to households and businesses. Canadians will have the opportunity to innovate and participate in our economy, democracy and way of life using new digital tools and cutting-edge services like tele-health and tele-learning. https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/119.nsf/eng/home
  7. I don't see it mentioned here and if you missed it, Sergio Castillo was cut by the Jets. Missed too many field goals.
  8. The absolute abuse of power. I hope he goes to jail too. All of them. Call it prison reform, GOP Edition. Or, Cell Mates: Washington..
  9. I wonder how many needlessly died because of him?
  10. I want justice for everyone. I hope he never gets out but I also hope his accusers get their opportunity in court too. Hopefully, both.
  11. I don't think most sims would have him out for half the year. Should be 600, no?
  12. The only bad thing about this is that he may not face prosecution in Canada.
  13. And, really, they don't care about the fetus, it's just the ability to control someone else.
  14. GOP loves killing people. Covid has been great for them.
  15. JCon


    Neighbour won't be there watching your elderly parents, aunts or uncles die.
  16. Why hasn't Walters signed anyone yet? This is a disaster. Feels good.
  17. JCon


    Test Positivity remains very high at 13.6% for the province.
  18. What is this "Pornhub" thing? Good move by them.
  19. Is this a bannable offense? The Ahsoka episode certainly felt like a set-up for future episodes. I guess it works as it's own show. I like Ahsoka and I like Rosario as Ahsoka, so bring it on!
  20. JCon


    Which is meaningless if the Test Positivity rate is still over 13%. Under 200 just means fewer people are getting tested, not that fewer are contracting it.
  21. Exactly what I thought watching that again.
  22. Same producers, so I'm hoping it has the same feel. Just fun, nonsense.
  23. I like that!!! I hope it's as good as it looks.
  24. If they're only showing GC games, they're completing cutting off one of their best* fan groups. Poor Rider fans. * Most vocal whiners.
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