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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    Was trying to explain to them why mom and dad were going on vacation this summer and they were staying home, Now, I'm going to need a better excuse than just telling them to ask Pallister why they can't join us.
  2. That's too bad. Means Comrie will only get practice time. Vesey was claimed from Toronto by Vancouver.
  3. JCon


    Moderna has begun testing vaccines on the ages under 12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/moderna-covid-vaccine-kids-study-1.5951440 Moderna Inc. has begun dosing patients in a mid-to-late stage study of its COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA-1273, in children aged six months to less than 12 years, the company said on Tuesday.
  4. Agreed. I still think they can go back to the Feds with a plan and the CFLPA on board for a loan.
  5. No one is suggesting doing "nothing". But, the idea that the XFL, which stands for the Ex-Football League, is some sort of saviour seems ridiculous. If they have money to put into the league, they must want something pretty big in return. There must be solutions to raise attendance that don't involve pieces of poontang pie?
  6. The party of racist terrorists.
  7. I'm not trading a top 4 defenseman when I'm desperate for top pairing defensemen. And, I'm certainly not trading unless I'm getting a young defenseman on a great contract with term. Rangers don't have that. Who has Morrissey played with????
  8. JCon


    You're not very loyal to Dear Leader. Didn't you hear about how they got things under control in the first wave? That was all them. They'll remind you as their vaccine rollout is a mess and we're starting the third wave. Now, go to a patio and get your drink on.
  9. Definitely a "no" to a Morrissey trade. Great contract and he'll settle down once he finds a partner. I'm not sure why people are desperate to trade away a top 4 defender. Ekholm is not a rental.
  10. If I have Ekholm? Morrissey, Pionk and Ekholm.
  11. Sounds like Nashville is seeking at 1st, and 2 prospects for Ekholm. Chevy should get that done fast, if he can. The market is growing and there's still a 14-day quarantine.
  12. Gov't website: https://bettereducationmb.ca/ Report: https://www.scribd.com/document/498879635/Our-Children-s-Success-Manitoba-s-Future-Report-of-the-Commission-on-K-to-12-Education
  13. 15 regions, so we'll see. No, elected board members. That certainly doesn't add to transparency and democracy. But, I think voting turnout for school board members is like 10%. One bargaining unit?
  14. We'll know more details at 3:30, when they make the formal announcement.
  15. We don't know that they won't give them money. They said last time to come back with a plan. I expect the Feds to find some money for them but they need to have a plan. That should be much easier this year.
  16. JCon


    It's inevitable, unfortunately.
  17. JCon


    Manitoba TPR: 4.8% (up .3) Winnipeg TPR: 3.5% I think we can expect it to slowly begin to go up now. More openings mean more cases.
  18. My experience is that most of the young candidates get experience in "unwinnable" ridings but get good jobs with the party. If you're on the winning side, you're likely to become a special assistant to a minister. Some, do that route and get a fantastic seat opportunity. Raquel Dancho - ran for the Provincial PCs in Wolseley in 2016, lost (obviously), became a special assistant in GOM and gained experience in gov't, then won the nomination in the federal riding of Kildonan-St.Paul and won the seat.
  19. You're always in a no win situation when you run a candidate in a place that you know is not going to get you a seat. How much money do you spend on that seat? Often, they'll keep their money in a more competitive riding. My MLA doesn't live in my riding and has never knocked on my door. There is little risk of him losing.
  20. The GTA will decide the next election.
  21. But the XFL is not postponing anything, in reality. They weren't playing until February 2022 anyhow.
  22. He was so, so, good. I remember watching his fights in the 80s. Buffer broke up tonight when the rang the bell for Hagler.
  23. What everyone is forgetting is the timing of these leagues. XFL starts after the super bowl and ends a few weeks later when they run out of money (or spring). It's most likely that they are working on a player sharing agreement and sharing of marketing and development.
  24. I was laughed at when I suggested the Jets could be the best team in the North Division by the end of the season following the PLD trade. 5 of 6 points in Toronto.
  25. Totally. It's just that the Canadian Mafia works through tons of adversity and doubt, wins it all and doesn't get it's victory lap. It's not about the victory lap but they earned it. The earned the right to be smug and reap the benefits.
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