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Posts posted by Blueballz

  1. 40 minutes ago, Captain Blue said:

    I'm in the minority it looks like but I'm not a fan of the weekday games. The sweet spot I think is Friday night. 

    Not a fan either. I work til 6-6:30 and it's a pain in the arse getting down there. For me it's easier to just head home and watch it on TV. (Plus I don't care for feeling it the next day at work :P I kid)

  2. On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Brandon said:

    In Canada I don't believe anyone really suffers from any sort of racism.    This is probably the most accepting country in the world in my opinion.

    Sure each color in the rainbow has some bad apples that hate each other,  for the most part you can safely go to almost any place no matter what you look like.

    The only places in Canada that I've witnessed true racism in a whole community would be going to certain reserves where the natives are insane and will chase out any white people no matter who they are.     So yes "Caucasian" people can experience racism even in Manitoba.   

    Also they can experience exclusion as certain federal jobs are posted only for visible minorities and/or natives.   So I wouldn't go around making it seem like any race are excluded from being shamed/hated on. 

    I've been to many reserves, which have you been to? If you care to enlighten me and tell me what instances these "crazy natives" (Indigenous btw) chased white people off the reserve, I'd love to hear.

    Caucasians do experience occassional racism but it pales in comparison that it is no where close to even being the same.

    So much so that there was some truth to the Maclean's article calling us the most racist city. Examples of it just reinforced that it is a problem and the mayor wouldn't deny that it is a problem.

    Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you can truthfully say it's the same thing.

    Because, sad truth is, it's not...

    That being said until all people acknowledge there is a problem and work together to fix it, no progress will ever be made and this "divide" will continue to exist.

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