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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Great rush by kongbo. The fact soo many ex bombers are having impacts like this in their opportunity is a great statement to the mafias ability to identify and develop talent.
  2. I don’t think Calgary is great. Really no team even the bombers aren’t dramatically more talented or better this year. The bombers are just seasoned and great at finding ways to win. The big wait n see moment for bc will be when their schedule gets long and tight. Instead of two buys in 9 weeks with two games vs the elk.
  3. But that doesn’t match his narrative… you must be mistaken. 😉
  4. One loss and the toxicity pops out. Gross. You’d think this franchises fan base would know better than being quick to chase off young kickers. I bet many of the same people who want him gone also wanted lirim back last year. And the ones in that group who were here in his first go round probably wanted him gone too. kickers are more fickle than even qbs. They take time. Legs has made a tremendous step forward this year. He’s one of the best punters in the league and been great at kick offs too. Let’s see how he bounces back. Cus he bounced back amazingly well from last year.
  5. Those throw on the roll out plays really punctuate what he could’ve done here with a decent offensive system.
  6. Bet he sees atleast a few starts for the falcons this year. Dude is tearing it up, go Dee!
  7. Love this roll out throw back tunnel screen play call. We talk in the GDT a lot this year about the pressure collaros faces and wanting play calls to help him. This is one of those wrinkles you can add to moving the pocket in slide protection and roll out plays to really keep the defense off balance.
  8. They gonna try a 52 yarder Did mtl have an on side man for that punt?
  9. Needed another second to make that connection. Bucks gotta roll him out.
  10. The plop play call Did get away with a little one ya
  11. Miller with the murder. Another crunch of the game candidate.
  12. Bombers are not happy at half time. I promise that. It’s not the best ol in the league this year.
  13. Least they caught this one. I think he was gonna throw it didn’t think he’d get it off then did
  14. Missing the best guard in the league and a centre who was excellent at helping now we have a centre whose a negative that has to be helped and Bryant struggling with bull rushes.
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