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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Reminds me of when a Khari pass was knocked up and he bobbled it and got credited with a drop lol
  2. Insane. Wonder if that’s a team record.
  3. He made a couple plays and gave up a couple. I count him in the knock down crew. Every one was getting a hand on the ball tnite.
  4. This was the crazy 2005 madden ass bounce kind of game I’ve seen. Great to get that win though.
  5. Punting seemed good tnite some real bombs and Castillo was perfect on fgs. But yeah we need the punter doing kick offs. Kick cover was ugly too. You can’t have short kicks and bad cover.
  6. 1 Zach and Brady all the yards and tds monster performance from both 2 Willy j and haba sacks pressure knock downs 3 Houston and the knock down team seriously how many pass kds tnite could be a team record hh for me the biggie spin and tfl in the first quarter honorable mentions to ol, Bryant looks better than ever, Jackson was a monster blocking, Demski with a big night too
  7. I’ve never seen some thing quite like that mess. Tremendous hands too
  8. Short dl are super under rated. Haba could be here for his whole career. Might never get an nfl look.
  9. No collaros interviews but like 6 for blm lol
  10. Would’ve been a great time to go off tackle with him.
  11. Limited tc with out pads and limited action in pre season. Rusty
  12. Give the cats a ton of credit. The most ridiculous string of lucky breaks ever. And they’re still down with no offensive momentum lol.
  13. That was interference on a free ball again.
  14. They need Caleb on the roster. Him and Lawson will make it a nightmare to run on us.
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