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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. If he wasn’t I think he’d be at the table. But we will really see if he comes back out
  2. They don’t want all the deep passes being challenged.
  3. That’s a tough one lmao. They are trying to figure out how to uphold the call
  4. Good call mos that’s a slam dunk. Cc don’t be trash.
  5. Hatcher pushed off Wj pushed in the back time for a challenge
  6. This reminds me soo much of streveler in the 19 play offs.
  7. The bombers aren’t celebrating the coverage. They are partying cus no flag.
  8. Head in the sand Biggie has done a great job on butler and spying rourke
  9. The rule is to protect the qb. Unless they are in blue and gold.
  10. That’s like 3 no called hits to his head This game.
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