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Colin Unger

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Everything posted by Colin Unger

  1. I don't think that i made anything sound amazing. I'm just stating that its not impossible that they got something of value in an otherwise valueless slot. Much of the league doesn't value the Global draft. But the bombers are a bit different in that regard. We have two players so far that have actually helped the team. The regular draft would go a lot faster as well if they didn't delay the announcement of picks for television and there was no opportunity to field trade offers. In theory a team that has done their due diligence should always know who they are going to select when their slot comes up. For the record, i view the two punters we drafted as longshots to make the team if they do in fact show up. I just think there may be a scenario where we would look at using a different punter than Legghio. If the team decides that it may improve his placekicking with less responsibility. In that case the american punters we signed would have to justify the use of a DI on a punter when we could use a global or a national.
  2. Karl Schmitz bounced around the NFL after being spotted on Youtube kicking a 70 yard field goal. His age isn't that big a deal to me for this season. What else do we expect from a low second round global pick. The fact that we got someone who might help us in some way at that slot is notable. I was thinking maybe we would snag an NFL bound global at that pick.
  3. As i was hoping the bombers took a Punter in the Global Draft just now. Jamieson Sheahan - Australia Averaged around 45.1 per punt last year for the California Bears. I think he can potentially be an option if he performs well in camp.
  4. There's no way of actually knowing but it would be interesting to know how many talented players are out there who could have qualified as a Canadian in the CFL but nobody discovered them. In this guy's case sounds like it never would have been discovered had it not been for him showing up at an Elks open try out. Not expecting much from the bombers from the Global draft this year. There isn't an advantage to dressing more than two globals. Going to be very difficult for someone to crack the roster this year because they will essentially need to be good enough to beat out a Canadian. Wouldn't mind drafting a global kicker/punter if there is someone of high quality on the board. It would give us one more option out of training camp.
  5. Nice to add a talented player like that last minute especially with all the talent heading south of the border.
  6. If things continue to progress with the TV market in the states and the XFL/USFL continue to struggle mightily how long until the idea of merging one of those leagues into the CFL comes up again?
  7. Winnipeg is head and shoulders above the rest of the league again coming into this season. Yes we need to improve our kicking compared to last season. But we don't need a kicker that's head and shoulders above the rest of the league in order to compete and win the cup.
  8. Im never against drafting a quality offensive lineman if they are the board still at the rate we lose them to other cfl teams. But if we could get a difference maker on the defensive line that would be ideal. Maybe we can get some more help from the global draft. We'd done better than anyone in this regard and 5 out of the first 10 globals who were invited to the combine are defensive lineman.
  9. No i agree. If he's focus is on NFL only then you're correct. What I was trying to suggest is that the NFL is an unlikely destination for him. He's not as good as Desjarlais and he didn't make it. To optimize his non-NFL career earnings he's best being in the CFL now and eating through his entry level deal. If he was NFL bound I think he would have forced his way into the starting lineup last year like Desjarlais did his first year. I have some level of openness to CFL players being allowed to sign in the NFL the day after the Grey Cup. There would be an advantage in terms of recruiting and you'd also increase the likelihood of CFL players trying the NFL and failing and having them back in time for CFL training camp the next year. The downside is that there might be some suggestion that players are playing not to get injured in the playoffs.
  10. In the USFL i bet he would have been able to start instantly as well. But for his realistic long term future its best for him to be here burning through his entry level deal so he can get to making decent coin here that he wouldn't make in the USFL and he's unlikely to be in the NFL.
  11. Allow me to rephrase. We've brought several good placekickers into the CFL over the past few decades. We have not brought in and kept a decent placekicker since 1989. I hope Leggs is not another kicker to add to the list who we brought into the league and excelled elsewhere.
  12. The point is being missed here. The point Im making is we have a long history of either giving up on kickers or losing them through other means.. Kicker's we didn't value highly at the time and then those kickers went on to have significant success with other teams. Leggs showed more than enough for a first year place kicker to warrant being the guy next season.
  13. Never said he was. He didn't impress with the bombers. At least not enough to give him a chance. The point im making is that we gave up on all these kickers only to have them excel on other teams. Let's not make the same mistake again.
  14. Sure bring in some competition for leggs. But let him keep the job if he looks any sharper then last season. We let go Canadian kicker Lirim Hajrullahu Paradis, Castillo, Maher. Not every kicker is an instant success and his numbers aren't bad for this stage of things.
  15. The MLS publishes salaries and they have plenty of players making less than 70k. I think its time for the CFL to reconsider. The CFL could have a lot more chatter if fans could discuss the exact salary implications of each move a team makes and analyze deeply how one team spends its money compared to another.
  16. This was never about my ego. You lambasted me for stating what was quite obvious. The league was not going to just let Montreal fold. But perhaps I was moreso lambasted for daring to disagree with you.
  17. how about... "Im glad i was wrong" It would be nice if a developmental QB had the athleticism to fill this role.
  18. There's been a lot of talk about players who are getting older and will likely regress. I agree with most of that however statistically i think Jefferson and Jeffcoat will actually have better seasons this year because I think Winnipeg will blow more teams out this year and they will face more obvious passing situations. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at who are good candidates to elevate their play. Younger players who are coming into camp with more experience and confidence. Geoff Gray - He's got a full year as a starter under his belt now. I think he gained confidence during the season and even showed some feistiness more than a few times down the stretch. Kolankowski - Started a bunch of games last season comes into camp with confidence and a legit shot at starting. Agadosi - If only he can stay healthy Oliveria - He's probably my top choice on this list. It took him a good chunk of the season to learn how to relax and be himself and was one of the better runningbacks in the CFL down the stretch. He comes into camp this year knowing he knows what he needs to do and I think he's gonna have a great season. Schoen - Might not put up the numbers he did last year in a slightly reduced role but he's going to be better coming into camp after mastering the waggle last season. Marc Llegghio - Please let me be right about this! Pleny of room for upside O'Leary-Orange - I think he has a chance to be an upgrade over Wolitarsky as he is more athletically gifted. Needs to stay healthy. Demario Houston - was playing elite corner until he got hurt. Honorable Mentions Dru Brown, Liam Dobsen, Ricky Walker, Drew Richmond, Eli, Les Maruo, Malik Clements Wildcards The newcomers. The pool of talent is thinned out with both the USFL and XFL gobbling up import talent. I hope we are still able to find the same level of talent this offseason as we have in the past.
  19. Anything can happen in one game. The bombers didn't play their best game and they lost in the Grey Cup by one point. The Argos have a long way to go to be at the bombers level. I don't think they have what it takes to put of the same number of wins as Winnipeg this season even playing in the east. When you're a top caliber team year after year it ends up being a challenge to sign a whole lot of free agents. Despite that the bombers arguably landed the biggest fish in the market. The key to getting better is recruiting and developing talent. This team is already quite good on paper. If we discover the same level of rookie talent we typically do this offseason this team is scary good. I think we made the right choice in terms of who to let go. We have depth coming up at center and Couture never played that many games last season. Jeffcoat im not the biggest fan of because he's the most undisciplined player on the team and is injury prone. Would love for us to fine a rookie who can push him.
  20. Let's make it official! That would be nice. At that point would the bombers need to sign a single free agent?
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