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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. The Canadian Plutocracy. And for the most part, we're just bystanders.
  2. Expand on that. I bet you can't. Or won't. And corporate entities don't...? You also don't get to opt out of food costs, energy costs, etc., all of which are controlled by corporations. Yeah, it isn't like corporate profits have skyrocketed in the last year or so. Oh, wait... It's like you're not even trying here.
  3. Imagine the "belief" that the size of a government is worse than the immoral, greedy, corrupt, profit-over-everything, save-us-when-we-fail-with-public-money, and never-hold-ourselves-accountable corporations in this country.
  4. https://apnews.com/article/finland-nato-membership-president-legislation-884ca75e7768f11f0d1efb222b532916
  5. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/deal-roxham-road-migrants-biden-trudeau-1.6788358 Looking forward to the details of this agreement. This **** at the border has gone on long enough.
  6. Speaking of Steve: https://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2023/03/22/former-prime-minister-stephen-harper-says-canada-needs-a-conservative-renaissance/ The only place he can be relevant is at a conclown circle-jerk.
  7. I'm glad he answered these questions, even if the answers were pretty vague. However, this current funk has been hanging around for nearly two months now - and nothing's improved. I'm hoping that airing this **** in public lights a fire under the team's collective ass but I won't hold my breath. Even if they make the post-season, I can't see it going past five games for them.
  8. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/us-strategist-apologizes-joke-prime-minister-trudeau-1.6787514 Idiot.
  9. Remember the time everyone here defended the liberals? Oh, wait... That never happened. Good on him for stepping down; it's the necessary thing to do. However, let's not jump to any conclusions yet based on conjecture and hearsay from an "anonymous source" in a gov't agency leaking sensitive information to a media outlet. You're huffing the bad stuff if you seriously believe such nonsense.
  10. My best guess is he abstained to vote because he has something to hide and an inquiry could potentially expose him. He just chooses to stir up his braindead supporters to get them frothing at the mouth over fabricated narratives and unsubstantiated conjecture, which is clearly all he has as leader of the opposition. He offers nothing of substance because he has none himself. He's a self-absorbed career politician who has done nothing to make this country a better place.
  11. IIRC, it was Nic "Self-Proclaimed NHL Insider" Kypreos who made some speculative comments back in January on Tim & Friends; I'd take those comments with a grain of salt considering the source. It was barely discussed anywhere else back then. Of course this comes up again now that the Jets are struggling. That doesn't make any of the speculation credible or accurate, though - then or now. Kypreos is a clown.
  12. Guess I won't be buying any more NHL merch after the 2023-24 season. Fanatics is trash. Guess it makes the NHL would go this way. Gross.
  13. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-telfod-motion-china-1.6785575 QPC MP Michael Cooper probably punching the air behind closed doors now.
  14. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-motion-telford-testify-1.6784637 Right out of the GQP playbook.
  15. FWIW, I'd have taken Cam Judge first overall (with the gift of hindsight, to be clear).
  16. Hindsight is 20/20. I don't think anyone could've or would've predicted Ekakitie's career to go the way it did. Walters and co. made the right decision at the time; it just didn't work out at all.
  17. Heath alone made the Bombers the winners of that trade. He was fantastic for his entire tenure with the Bombers and 2017 was the best season of his career by far. Shame he chose to chase money instead of stability because he'd probably have two rings now. Trying to dismiss his career accomplishments comes across as a bit petty.
  18. **** me, this team is infuriating.
  19. He's a stochastic terrorist. And a seditious one, at that.
  20. I wonder if the Jets can try and retain him for next season. He seemed to fit in pretty well.
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