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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. Carry on dude. Please complain about the D again. It was quite entertaining.
  2. Apparently the other team just gave us the win...but yeah.
  3. Medlock heads up call for a turnover, a qb dives in for two touchdowns, an 80 yard touchdown. How ****** hard can it be for people to realize that this is how games can be won! Not everything is Swiss precision. It’s about points ffs.
  4. If you’d like get the “defence bad” out of your system, post like crazy, most aren’t going to agree with you, but have at her. Go for it!
  5. Apparently he loves the CFL, and Winnipeg. Sounds like a good kid. He’s looking forward to finding a place to practise his “Marching” in his spare time.
  6. Yeah #3. That guys into it, spirited, enthused. Fun to watch.
  7. I guess making heads up plays is a problem in SK
  8. 1. Harris 2. Nichols 3. Jefferson hh medlock
  9. I been wondering if I’d ever see that play again. That’s one tenacious hit to make him puke his guts out. Love it!
  10. Turns out there are lots of MBB posters that find the self proclaimed reasonable but factually rank rider fan detestable. “Stupid” would apply. Smh
  11. Honestly, Suitor likes rider goo all over himself. He prefers the skittles up his derrier. But really good observation and comments.
  12. A different contemptuous blockhead pops up now and then. Attention seeking, even as a reviled loser and ill willed meddler. I remember seeing Sacartgoxz at a bomber game. Pockmarked, eyes too close together dullard he was. That’s my experience.
  13. Your comprehension has failed. Read the title again. And then again if you still don’t get it.
  14. The picture was taken when he was alive.
  15. A resemblance to ol #22 Mr. Billy Clyde Puckett.
  16. Conduct another scientific research study of casual fans and ask them if they want the stadium moved to downtown.
  17. Next thing, the detractors will start complaining about Nichols emulating Vince McMahon as a touchdown celebration.
  18. Geez, chip, just a few of your posts a short while ago you offered, in the context of replacing Nichols, “what’s the worse that could happen?”. Now your accusing Mr. Dee of cliches and you are on record as writing cliches galour. Not only are both of your statements cliches, but fallacy’s as well. I use to like your posts. Just thought I’d point that out and by all means post whatever you are so inclined.
  19. Let’s face it. Your scientific approach is immune to criticism. Not only are you out and about listening to casual fans, you’ve able to identify that your study reveals a consensus that Nichols is boring and not fun to watch. Then your sample size of casual fans additionally always determine and end up hoping that Streveler gets to play soon. Professor, you’ve performed a remarkable task of obtaining hard statistical evidence that reflects exactly what you have been spouting for a over a year.
  20. I’m going to advocate for Matt Nichols. The thread has two questions. 1. The standings after 18 games determines the playoff participants and home files. How a squad moves in the standings is the primary objective of a coach and team. Games won directly affect the standings. Winning is more important than how you win. 2. Passing yards are a result of execution for each passing play. The game plan and then situation determines the coach’s call. As the plays, running, long pass, short pass, etc support the objective. Also situational is field position, and score. On Thursday, the bombers had great field position most of the first three quarters and had substantial leads for most of the game. Passing yards become more meaningful with more games to compare the same position, and has less meaning when measuring team success for the playoff standings.
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