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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Saw it. Enjoyed it. Only minor issues with the movie. If you enjoyed some of the more detective types of Batman comics- you will dig this.
  2. Baraka's https://www.barakapitabakery.ca/
  3. Agreed, no replacement. "Two Bacon Cheeseboorgers for you." All those personally written sings posted everywhere...
  4. I like those mentioned so far.... It's just that I used to go to Sonja's and their fat boy was the best bang for buck
  5. Ok fellow Bomber fans... What is the best burger in Winnipeg?
  6. What are your sources for this? SOunds awesome, hope it's true.
  7. There is not going to be any ROI on the pipeline...
  8. They are up the sidewalk a little more, finger wagging and saying, "Heeeey, you can't do that...."
  9. BUt wouldn't the Keystone XL cost something to build? I mean- it's not free... WOuldn't we be going deeper into debt with that project? I don't see your line of logic here... unless you're saying there is a pipeline fairy somewhere...
  10. C'mon man! If you don't do testing- the number of covid cases goes down. Get. With. The. Program.
  11. Because it costs lots of money to offer these rebates to actually make a shift to EV. Government makes lots of money from gas.
  12. Probably. But, whatever. I mean Alberta still gets it cut from all the rights to the oil- but the government takes on the role of the companies that benefit (disproportionally) in the form of a Crown Corporation that benefits all Canadians...
  13. Think of it more like... The Feds come in, take the role of all corporations involved in oil, like one big conglomerate- but one that has the average citizens as shareholders....
  14. I wonder if Tesla owners are freaking out over the price at the pump? I want what some people in Quebec got- Federal and Provincial subsidies for zero emission vehicles.... Only problem I see with moving to electric vehicles is where are we going to get money for road infrastructure? AM I wrong in my thinking that the tax on fuel is linked to vehicle infrastructure?
  15. I don't understand the reasoning behind investing billions of tax payer's money to fund a project that will never see a return on investment. It boggles the mind... That money is better spent elsewhere... like infrastructure that actually benefits Canadians.
  16. Just finished God Of War. Pretty good game. Solid Story, has a good leveling mechanic, the voice acting is really good. Totally recommend it. If you are looking to play it and are one of those that likes to explore and are an 85% completionist or higher- I recommend bee lining it to the end with minimal exploration and then go freaking hog wild in the New Game+ mode. Solid, Solid game.
  17. A protracted occupation? absolutely not- they want the corridor to Crimea- that will be the "small ask" to withdraw their troops...
  18. I disagree, but I do appreciate you taking the time to explain. Thanks mate. I will do a little more research on the right wing groups- that is an interesting angle. Regardless of reasons, the people of Ukraine are needlessly suffering and dying because of putins actions.
  19. Wait... wut? How so? Please elaborate.
  20. I speculate that he had cancer treatment and is immunocompromised.
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