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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. That was awesome. That is one of the reasons why I love the CFL- I wish they wouldn't mess with that aspect of the entertainment. He didn't get a fine for the beer, because IIRC, they implemented or adjusted the player/fan safety after the Argos players and fans altercation last year.
  2. I hope so- so much lore and quite the universe for story possibilities. Finally finished the Sandman- quite good. Very good adaptation of the comics.
  3. I am a huge fan of TLotR, but... I am very skeptical about this... I will approach it with an open mind though.
  4. Als had the same amount of wins when they beat us... at home.
  5. Terrible kicker, but Westy never kicked like that
  6. That has to be the UGLIEST kick I have ever witnessed in pro sports... and would rank in the top 10 of school yard pick up ball...
  7. Kick off... the opponent still lines up on the LoS... does the ball have to placed on the tee at the Los? I am not talking about cheap looking - I think that you go with what you practice and what is easiest- which is a 90% field goal success rate. I dont think any other choice yiu put up, has that high of a success rate.
  8. Did the team practice any of the stuff you mentioned other than the FGs? In many of those situations you mentioned- all the returner has to do is punt it back out. Go with what you know. Once you start introducing all these new factors in, your success rate starts to drop. If he made the kick (either between the uprights or out the end) would we even be entertaining any of these other options?
  9. Fact: I read the above in a Dwight Shrute voice. It's perfect. I do wonder though... what games are the Lions going to lose? Strong possibility they may only lose one or two games... If the road goes through BC- I think our chances to 3peat just got crazy slimmer...
  10. One positive out of this game...it wasn't the LDC that broke their streak...
  11. It was a nice gesture- a little over the top, but really nice though. Ignore the haters, dismiss the eyerolls and just continue your unabashed support of the Bombers - there are some that appreciate it.
  12. That is exactly what he looked like, a Gazelle with huge balls trying to escape a cheetah!
  13. I want a tally of all the penalties (even the declined ones too) at the end of the game... Cofaj, needs to get the ball out sooner... is his target progression that slow? He's going to be injured soon...
  14. Looks like the road to the grey cup is going through BC...
  15. Yeah- it's a 10-point lead and the first quarter ain't done, perhaps we should give them a bit more time to show who they are.
  16. So then... he knows what he's talking about then? lol
  17. I don't think he was off side... ball wasn't on the one yard line.
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