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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Yes please- I would like a link to the report also. Going out on a limb here- you don't have it. once again- please stop presenting your opinion as fact.
  2. This is constructive and opens up the dialogue. This does not and is not really necessary. Besides, I fail to see how they "lost". everyone is losing their **** over a 4 page summary on a 18 month investigation and no one even knows what the actual scope of the investigation was. I am just waiting to see what the report actually says and see what type of interesting things come up in the next year... should be crazy.
  3. this thread touches upon this.
  4. No ****- some dunderheads just double down on the stupid... its actually impressive.
  5. I wish those ******* merchants of doubt were held accountable.
  6. Wow, awesome. The thing I am worried about is that the report will be more of a roadmap (as a report should be) and less of a Drag the PoTUS out in handcuffs trype of thing... and the result will be rebuplicans will be shouting as musch as they can NO COLLUSSION NO CLLUSION no further INDICTMENTS! meanwhile- there is a clear roadmap to start more investigations and most of the heavy lifting will be done by different lawyers and other courts and so forth. This next year is going to be INSANE.
  7. True- but you have to call out the bullshit sometimes and try to keep them honest.
  8. Funny- Remember reading about these worries 10 years back: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/17/science/earth/warming-arctic-permafrost-fuels-climate-change-worries.html https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/2/4/045016 Those scientist know nothing- bunch of money grabbingassholes.
  9. First of all- that's bullshit and I wish you would stop spreading bullshit. That is hyperbole- not ANYTHING- just regressive ideology. and why are you even arguing a point if you don't even know what it means? That is pretty ignorant- you should look something up before arguing against it, that would help your argument. You're making a silly argument here- no one is labeling anyone a regressive solely on that person questioning the 12 year death sentence - hell I question even question it and no one other than you are calling me a regressive. So- I fail to see where you are getting this idea from... I will concede that there is potential that there will be harm to the economy as we know it- I have full confidence that there will still be an economy that it will do fine after a period of adjustment. How is it damaging to the environment? to be concerned with the environment and doing something to help it? please explain. One thing I noticed is that you are all on board and tout the line that the GREEN NEW DEAL WILL DESTROY THE ECONOMY!!!! when you don't know if it will- yet you are so sure that THE ENVIMENT WILL NOT BE DESTOROYED IN 12 YEARS! You have certainty with both things yet have ZERO proof of either- yet you spread that bullshit all the time. Nobody here is preening around as self labeled progressives- so grab a Tums, it may have been all that altright and fox propaganda you are gobbling up that is upsetting your stomach. Once again: Thanks for your opinion, you have every right to say that- but the facts don't support your opinion. Also waiting on your KJU benefit of the doubt remark- really curious as to where you are going with that one.
  10. It's not though, not sure how you get 100%. Thanks for your opinion, you have every right to say that- but the facts don't support your opinion. Also- you didn't clarify your comment about giving KJU the benefit of the doubt.
  11. None of this is even remotely true. Wait- you are giving Kim Jun Un the benefit of the doubt? What?
  12. Thanks for your opinion, I disagree and respect your right to say it.
  13. Oh, I don't think anyone is in the clear yet.... Seth Abramson's take on it is pretty interesting, he kind of explains the more nuanced aspects of the investigation.
  14. WHo is being ignorant? Dude, YOU were the one who brought up Gerard Depardieu... How can you be taken serious when you twist reality around to try and support your narrative. I don't even understand if you have a point anymore- you don't have any valid arguments, you misrepresent facts, propagate lies and distort the truth to try and support a false reality. Please stop trying to derail this thread and get it locked.
  15. WHy? What about her plan is batshit crazy?
  16. this ^^ and less this ↓↓ One portion is fact (hint: the first portion) and one section is opinion (hint:the second portion) What is going on here? We are at risk of losing Gerard Depardieu?
  17. I love that guy- very truth to power tupe of guy: The video where he makes ****** Carlson lose his **** was priceless.
  18. Clueless? How- just say she is doesn't make it true. fox opinion piece frames it as she doesn't know what she is talking about and misses the entire point of the exchange- that's what fox does. Take a small snippet, misrepresent it and then pounce and degrade. People fall for that trick all the time.
  19. No. What you are trying to say is very misleading. You are factually incorrect, there is no opinion here. Please stop spreading misinformation. Progressive and forward-thinking are EXACTLY that by the very definition of synonymous. syn·on·y·mous /səˈnänəməs/ adjective (of a word or phrase) having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.
  20. Nice Article on AOC https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-media-781571/ Man, she is pretty awesome. Her policy ideas are wonderful and really would help out the 90%.
  21. Well... this is reassuring. Nice to see. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/do-most-americans-believe-climate-change-polls-say-yes/580957/
  22. That's pretty exciting- I am stoked for a 10 team league! Are they going with the Draft format for the Ottawa ALLCAPS? That worked out well for the ALLCAPS and wasn't too harsh on the rest of the teams.
  23. Well this explains a lot. Thanks for the clarification- it will help in the future.
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