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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. You are presenting the two things in Winnipeg that are frozen in time for your argument. That is misleading. Alicia's has been resurrected on Albert Street. Sonya's is no more. (They had the best fat boy in town) Take a trek through Osbourne area. The sheer amount of condos and apartments that have gone up in the past 10 years is insane. Movie Village is now gone. The HUman rights museum... so on and on.
  2. Saw this the other night- it was good. Using the vast amount of footage, Antoine Fuqua was able to have Ali narrate his own documentary- giving quite a powerful angle to his life's story. It was executive produce by Lebron and narrated by Muhammad Ali. Here is a comprehensive review: https://variety.com/2019/film/reviews/whats-my-name-muhammad-ali-review-1203198673/
  3. Tell me about it. No serious... that's how bored I am.
  4. Reporter: Could you be clear about your practicing habits since we can't see your particles? Tburg: Anybody tell you that I missed particles... If, If, if a Coach say I missed particles, and y'all hear it, then that's that. I mean, I might have missed one particles this year but if, if somebody say, 'He doesn't come to particles,' it could be one particles. Out of all the particless this year, that's enough... that's enough to get a whole lot started. I told Coach O'shea that you don't have to give the people of Winnipeg a reason to think about trading me or anything like that. If you trade somebody, you trade them to make the team better...simple as that. I'm cool with that. I'm all about that. The people in Winnipeg deserve to have a winner. It's simple as that. It goes further than that … Reporter: So you and coach O'shea got caught up on Saturday about particles? Tburg: If I can't particles, I can't particles man. If I'm hurt, I'm hurt. I mean … simple as that. It ain't about that... I mean it's... It's not about that... At all. You know what I'm saying I mean... But it's...it's easy … to, to talk about... It's easy to sum it up when you're just talking about particles. We're sitting in here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about particles. I mean, listen, we're talking about particles, not a game, not a game, not a game, we talking about particles. Not a game. Not, not … Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last. Not the game, but we're talking about particles, man. I mean, how silly is that? … And we talking about particles. I know I supposed to be there. I know I'm supposed to lead by example... I know that... And I'm not.. I'm not shoving it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I do. I honestly do... But we're talking about particles man. What are we talking about? Particles? We're talking about particles, man. [laughter from the media crowd] We're talking about particles. We're talking about particles. We ain't talking about the game. [more laughter] We're talking about particles, man. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you see me play don't you? You've seen me give everything I've got, right? But we're talking about particles right now. We talking about pr... [Interrupted]. Reporter: But it's an issue that your coach continues to raise? Tburg: Man look, I hear you... it's funny to me too, I mean it's strange... it's strange to me too, but we're talking about particles man, we're not even talking about the game... the actual game, when it matters... We're talking about particles …
  5. Boaty Mcboatface. Love that story. That was a good compromise on the naming of the unmanned sub. The winds are now churning the mid level warm water with the low lying cold water... Oh boy.
  6. I remember reading that Nichols wanted some preseason snaps in order to settle down- apparently he gets really amped up in the beginning of each game at the start of the season. Maybe he needed a quarter to get settled in. Sure looks like it to me.
  7. Maybe it's because you usually follow it up with... You kind of .... camouflage any praise of him with... not quite "shitting"on him... more like "sharting" on him - a good break of wind with splatters of feces- like a fecalpheliac's homage to Jackson Pollock.
  8. If DC did that in a Bomber Uniform- I would have cursed him. He has issues- he always has. But, to Be fair though- DC is absolutely wonderful to the fans and is ALWAYS willing to go all out for the fan experience. I totally respect him for that. I wouldn't want him to change anything about himself. I hope one day he climbs out of his dad's shadow and Just be ok with being best DC that DC can be. He's still a big ol' ***** for letting up on that one.
  9. pos·i·tron /ˈpäzəˌträn/ Learn to pronounce noun PHYSICS plural noun: positrons a subatomic particle with the same mass as an electron and a numerically equal but positive charge.
  10. Agreed. He will get picked off... but I don't think sask can turn those into points. Works out great- you don't have to plug your nose and vomit a bit in your mouth and pick sask.
  11. You need to look up "The Grand Bargain". Here is a quick primer: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1044986880310300673.html You can take it pretty much at face value or as a discussion starter - you need to look stuff up to verify some stuff... but the supporting documentation is out there. "NOTE/ All of the claims above are fully supported by public records—and public investigative journalism by major-media outlets. None of what you see above is a "theory"; indeed, I've only published an executive summary, here, not all the supporting facts. More in the weeks ahead." an article in the NY'r https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/israeli-saudi-and-emirati-officials-privately-pushed-for-trump-to-strike-a-grand-bargain-with-putin
  12. Photo Speaks for itself. Jesus reincarnated as a team of sled dogs. In this photo taken on Thursday, June 13, 2019 sled dogs make their way in northwest Greenland with their paws in melted ice water.
  13. Michael Bishop... Arm punts, Howitzer for an Arm and a noggin' more fragile than Zach Collaros.
  14. I think Cocaine Mitch is one of the most Loathsome politicians to ever go through Washington.
  15. Yeah that play was pretty messed up. The holding penalty was there, total hold- good call there. The Blindside was not a penalty at all, that was a totally clean hit- in the replay they slowed it down and it showed the blocker slow up... gauge when he was able to hit him legally- it was a perfect example of how not to get a penalty on a play like that- too bad the ref was ****.
  16. Totally. I was absolutely in shock and disbelief when I saw the first one. I fell outta my chair on the second one.
  17. Ripper' s a Good guy. It's good to have a differing opinion. He's just a green...with envy right now.
  18. Didn't he throw 3 tds against 0 int? I would like to see his QB rating for this game.
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