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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Operation MAGA spitting fire lately... I have to say, it is quite the entertaining twitter feed...
  2. Two things... Got serious 1984 feel in some of those tweets. The tweeter has the nuke codes.
  3. My wife pointed out to me how this photo has a dystopian feel to it... I have agree.
  4. Cool fading supernova caught by Hubble:
  5. WOw... Let's launch a new campaign, proudly announce it to the world and... not lock up that twitter handle... And yeah, it looks promising.
  6. So... the president is sick with covid... so his supporters hold a "get well" rally... To what end? "I'll show you my support mr president by trying to get covid too!" MAGA = Deathcult.
  7. Yeah. Every USA citizen should be enraged. I am- and I don't have a monkey in this circus....
  8. Trump sycophant that is really a mix bag of crazy. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_enCA814CA814&sxsrf=ALeKk02sFaPyCz6Zfa9K3hwz2Fq6noY5Ng%3A1601744528626&ei=kK54X4bHJeyxggel5JTgDg&q=Ronny+Jackson+contraversies&oq=Ronny+Jackson+contraversies&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6AggAOgUIABDEAjoGCAAQFhAeSgUIIBIBMEoFCCgSATBQ0LAEWObbBGDR3ARoAHAAeACAAc4BiAGxDJIBBTYuNy4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesABAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiGz5it85jsAhXsmOAKHSUyBewQ4dUDCA0&uact=5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronny_Jackson#:~:text=Jackson was widely criticized for,the way God made him". "Jackson was widely criticized for giving an uncharacteristically glowing and untruthful assessment of President Trump's health, saying that "if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old", and that he had "incredibly good genes, and it's just the way God made him".
  9. Gotta say... I am pretty excited about this one..,. Sorry, I mean:
  10. Jesus... it's like ******* Johnstown and Jim Jones in MAGA! land... I don't get it...
  11. and the fact he hasn't been tweeting... (Only half joking...)
  12. All about not appearing weak... appearing stupid though... that's another matter
  13. Very timely for this documentary:
  14. SOme welcomed good news! Trump ignoring covid precautions because it projects weakness and he has to project immense strength all the time because he is alpha and so on and so on.... gets covid and gets taken out of the race with a month left in the race... Biden following all precautions and respecting the cdc guidelines for covod- gets jeered at from the right and alpha orange man as being weak and afraid... doesn't get covid and continues on the campaign trail... There is a parable here somewhere... let's hope it has a happy ending with a good moral...
  15. What is kind of engaging about this... For weeks trump supporters and the right wing propaganda arm of the party, have been floating the "Biden is going to "catch" covid and dodge the debates and hide out in his basement until the election" conspiracy. Now trump is exactly going to do that and those same fuckers are going to gain and preen about how tough trump is and how brave he is and ram their noses to far up his arse... Gah, maddening!
  16. A nice walk through about russian interference.
  17. Thanks for that- very cool podcast that was very informative and harrowing.
  18. Journalist need to watch and learn from this: I am over joyed that finally, there are journalists that are pushing back HARD on lies- these lying clowns should never get a free pass....
  19. God damn it! I knew I shouldn't have quit! Cya'll later, gotta score me a pack of smokes.
  20. Looks like we will be getting a nice rebate cheque soon... So...again, tell me why socialized auto insurance is bad?
  21. It's either lyrics to my new country song or a pitch for a new revenge action flick (eying Liam Neeson for the role).
  22. Ha HA! You ok man? Did 17 to 85 steal your wife, burn your trailer down and kill your dog? You seem to really go outta your way to slag him.
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