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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. No, it means that in both senate races in Georgia didn't produce a victor with >50% of the vote. What happens then is they take the top two candidates and hold a special "run-off" race on January 5th to decide who is the senator. Depending on how many seats the Democrats pick up either one or both of those seats would be needed to secure a majority in the senate- therefore the "decide who controls the senate". Be assured that if the republicans retain control- McConnel will still be SML- being the ruthless, soulless, shameless and devoid of compassion husk of a human that he is.
  2. The SCOTUS, DOJ, HHS, and so on.... are tainted and corrupt AF- they are ******.
  3. This is the kind of **** I am looking for from the next POTUS:
  4. Anyone else here really looking forward to the sweet sweet irony of Fox calling Pennsylvania for Biden tonight before anyone else and cementing Biden's presidency, after trump's dunking on fox for not being sycophantic enough...? I am!
  5. So far, 2. Possibly a 3rd and forth come Jan5th run off. I missed the days when I didn't give A F about the names in the US senate. Since trump became POTUS, I know the names of 80% carbonate members (past and present), most of his enablers and most of his damn family- there should be no reason to know that much... when people were doing a competent Job in the Whitehouse... I didn't even know the press secretary's name... I am looking forward to tuning out again.
  6. The timing of this is pretty telling. 😆 Looks they are preparing for the trump's arrival in Moscow.
  7. Rep. Dan Crenshaw: Why the Texas blue wave was 'stopped right in its tracks' yet again a) Voter supression. b) Gerrymandering. c) Disenfranchising the minority vote. c) All the above.
  8. Grrrrr. Need to flip the senate... until then, all acting directors of Agencies!
  9. That's how it is with all play lists, sometimes even your own! Solid picks.
  10. You need to share with us a few of the songs on the trump is out!
  11. Not even shocked. Very amused , but not shocked.
  12. The power of prayer to secure reelection. Crazy.
  13. Holy hell. good on them for thinking of how the vaccine would be affected for millions of people- nice to see People>Profit.
  14. Wow, I had no idea they were still able to suppress the vote this harshly in Florida. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/04/politics/black-voters-2020-election-donald-trump-white-nationalism/index.html
  15. I am looking forward to Biden announcing his presidency, so then I can scroll through trumps twitter feed to chart his meltdown.
  16. They are not so secret if they are announcing them on twitter, FB, the ******* news...
  17. Nice to see twitter changing the warning from blue to red- finally.
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