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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. The numbers. People that have been vaccinated have died, just in much smaller numbers.
  2. If anyone is interested, the Joel Greenberg case how it pertains to Gaetz and the full details of the plea bargain attached.
  3. Looks good- I might have to pick this up to keep me busy until the new KOTOR remaster comes out.
  4. I can't recall who was worried about the efficacy of the vaccines with delay of the second dose. Was that @SpeedFlex27? Anyways, here is some good news on that front.
  5. This is a great opinion piece: A little over the top, but the imagery and commentary is compelling. "You can tell a lot about people from their heroes. Students for Trump founder John Lambert was just sentenced to 13 months for posing as a lawyer, by a judge who called him a “cold-blooded fraudster.” At least he isn’t a killer—one of Trump’s favorite terms of praise, incidentally— like Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year old who illegally carried a firearm to a Black Lives Matter protest in another state and fatally shot two unarmed people. The McCloskeys, who illegally brandished firearms at a peaceful BLM protest in front of their house, were given prime real estate at the 2020 RNC to warn about the dangers of Black and brown people “invading” the suburbs. War criminal Eddie Gallagher, who was pardoned by Trump, now openly admits “we killed that guy,” and alleges his fellow Navy SEALS intended for his 12-year-old unarmed detainee to die, and that “nobody at that time had a problem with it.” There’s no protest, shock, disgust or condemnation from the GOP and right-wing media. They love it, because this is who they are." Weirdly, after reading the article I am brought back to a poignant quote from "Rick and Morty" of all things:
  6. I don't know why this is in the good news thread... I live and buy all my lotto tickets in Winnipeg... 😁
  7. THis was a fascinating article: I learned quite a lot through this article.
  8. Good point. But this is more than anything we've heard of all year.
  9. I for one am looking forward to supplementing my adenovirus vector vaccine with some sweet sweet mRNA vaccine and top it off with a seasonal booster for those VoC. JUST PUT IT IN MY AAAARRRRRMMMM!
  10. At least those guys were using garbage bag lined plastic cans... this guy... well
  11. Voting "integrity" bill... working as intended:
  12. It's an official government account... so maybe goes here. Anyways, I can't believe this is an actual warning:
  13. But... that is very definition of two-tiered... It not a "left" thing... it's a grammar thing. I think you would be hard pressed to find many grammarians in unions... unless it's the Global United Grammarian Alliance- then sure... you might be on to something.
  14. Dude, you can use one of the walk up sites if you need it earlier.
  15. Yeah, if the Dems don't get their **** together and pass some federal guidelines for voter rights to override the crazy amount of voter suppression laws being passed... they are done. Their democracy would likely be toast too...
  16. My 23 year old Son just got his about 20 minutes ago. If you need to be vaxxed right away... Higgins pop up is the place to go.
  17. Yeah, bitter sweet... but yeah- I throw up in mouth a little every time I have to defend her.
  18. Well, I guess Jared's peace in the middle east plan didn't quite pass the sniff test... The Human Shield excuse is ******* flimsy as hell... you can condemn the use of human shields as well as knowingly killing civilians... this doesn't even touch upon the role of occupier and occupied...
  19. I look forward to the fox segment decrying cancel culture about this... lol. Its kind of frightening that the GQP has ousted a politician named Cheney because they were not Republican enough... lol I mean that is their reason... but the GQP is really off the rails now...
  20. How are you even equating the two? Serious question, what metric are you going by? I am honestly baffled (maybe I am a noob to politics), can you indulge me and give me a few examples, I haven't been as tuned in to US politics since Biden. Also, the sheer volume of despicable actions on one side FAR outweighs the other.
  21. Interesting article on vaccine trials in kids younger than 12 years old. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/inside-covid-19-vaccine-trial-for-kids-under-12-and-what-parents-should-know/3047996/ "Dr. Robert Frenck, the Director of the Gamble Center for Clinical Research at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, says children actually appear to respond better to the vaccines than younger adults. The challenge now is to find the right dose for kids, which is lower than the 30 micrograms given to adults. "You're trying to find this base where you have the best immune response with the lowest side effect," Frenck explained. "The children's immune system develops very quickly. They could use smaller dose because they do respond well."
  22. This thread is pretty revealing- most assumptions of corporate USA and the GQP relationship with Super Pacs and so on pretty spot on. In this thread though, it is still pretty gross to actually see it:
  23. The fact that she asked permission first is ******* gold... the fact she said it with all her being.... priceless:
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