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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Oh FFS... This makes me so sad... and simultaneously super ******* angry.
  2. Speed's gif game is on fire. Also, I don't see why so much hate is getting thrown on @Colin Unger I didn't see him promoting antivax or anti health orders. That is the goal with herd immunity, if most people are vaxxinated or naturally immune due to previous infection... infections shouldn't be spreading too badly. I mean he's wrong with the conment "where is it going to come from" - break through infectikns are going to happen 94% efficacy (88% for delta)is not 100%... it will come from somewhere. Also, with the higher transmission of the Delta Variant, that **** is going to spread like wildfire through those communities.
  3. We should not be moving to orange... Delta Variant says "Hi".
  4. I think you need to call the booking line and talk to an actual human. They should get you sorted out.
  5. Too bad its being paid for by the following generations... FFS.
  6. Oof- Gaetz should just sit the rest of life out. Here is Milley responding to Gaetz talking about the "wokeness" of the military. To put into context
  7. The 75% goal of single shots is... what ever- high level of single shots is not going to make or break it for the next wave... the absolute key is shoot for a very high % of 2 shots and keep the mask mandate. Those, IMHO are the important points we should be gunning for. Delta Variant gives no fucks to single dose.
  8. Wow, quite the messaging https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/amberjamieson/nra-president-graduation-speech In a speech to the James Madison Academy 2021 graduating class, David Keene, a former NRA president and current board member of the gun rights group, called on the teens to fight those looking to implement tighter gun restrictions. Without realizing it, Keene was actually addressing his comments to thousands of empty chairs set up to represent the estimated 3,044 kids who should have graduated high school this year and instead were killed by gun violence.
  9. If she was sporting an Al-queda flag instead of a trump flag, she would be in Gitmo
  10. Mid-season? That there is fine post season "loading up for a cup run" form.
  11. Not fair- there are many reasons why people don't get the vaccine:
  12. mRNA explanation for the win!
  13. In all seriousness- get vaxxed, it's the smart thing to do.
  14. I know- I am just waiting for him to show up in this thread, Verbal Guns ablazin'.
  15. Oh wow- nice spike in vaccinations: Manitoba recorded another 24,279 #COVID19 vaccine doses. That's awesome.
  16. To be fair, the TPR usually comes out after the initial roll out of new cases. Knee jerk reaction- I find myself dispirited when I see the new case numbers rise and have to remind myself to actively search out the TPR and the tests performed (I wish they would include a five day average of daily testing). They should have done that a few weeks ago when it was approved to mix vaccines.... Doesn't seem like an issue though- the Moderna looks to be ok'd for 12-17 yo by the end of the week.
  17. TPR went down, so I wouldn't really worry too much about the higher numbers of new cases. I am more worried about people using work arounds to fake 2 dose proof. I feel there should be a HEAVY penalty for those scoff-laws.
  18. Yeah- that would have been my suggestion, but moot point. End of the week though... strong possibility of Moderna being ok'd for 12-17 yrs old
  19. Are you scheduled for Pfizer shot on July 3rd?
  20. That's awesome (should have been sooner, but hey- safety and all). @itchy daughter might be able to be doubly vaxxed sooner.
  21. one dose mRNA vaccine against Delta variant= 33% efficacy. two dose mRNA vaccine against delta Variant = 84%-88% efficacy. Delta will be the dominant strain in a little over a month. Go get Moderna and be safe. Mixing is fine.
  22. THe province should have staffed more on the phones and maybe included a pop up chat feature on the covid appointment website (like on all the telecom companies' web sites). Put more resources in effective communication for all things covid vax related.
  23. What's even nuttier... Moderna is ~2-4% more efficacious than Pfizer... We should be reserving the Pfizer shots for 12-17 year olds...
  24. Yup- there is also the Delta Plus variant... Some crazy scary **** coming down the pipeline... I know you are not too fond of Eric Feigl-Ding, but he's pretty on the ball with the newest data.
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