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Everything posted by BomberBall

  1. So, any chatter about the game on Friday? Because I could give 2 shits about Rourke’s contract status and who let who hang around the last time we beat the Stamps.
  2. Agreed. The competition won’t be nearly as tough, so hopefully they can stay focused on playing the same way.
  3. That was a very solid game. Can’t ask for much more then that.
  4. Real good shift on that goal. Hard work rewarded.
  5. She’s really awful. I don’t know what her connection is to TNSE, but there has to something… She should have been replaced years ago.
  6. Agreed that this job is not worth his health, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions and immediately push Bowness into retirement. There are hundreds of reasons why he could have been light headed and dizzy today. Let’s wait and see what the doctors say.
  7. Don’t think we’re being outworked at all. We’ve had some good push and chances… Just need a bounce… Or a call, earlier in the game.
  8. Toninato has been called up, but I don’t think he’s playing.
  9. Yeah, I’m a big Lowry fan too, but seeing him in OT was surprising. At first I thought maybe he was just out there to win the draw and get possession. It was an interesting decision because you generally don’t play those 2 thinking they will go out and score, so you’re basically putting them out there to defend… Which could be interpreted as playing not to lose as opposed to playing to win. I’m not for it or against it, necessarily, but it was a bold choice by Arniel and I’m glad it worked for him.
  10. Was pretty shocked to see Lowry and Appleton as the first 2 forwards on the ice in OT…. Didn’t like it, but it worked out.
  11. Yup. Gut check time. Hopefully they come out in the 3rd with some energy.
  12. Two goals against, basically the exact same way. Can’t clear, get stuck, get tired and leave a guy standing alone in front of our net. Bowness is probably losing his mind at home.
  13. Very good 1st, but a bit of a sag early in the 2nd. Mostly from one bad shift.
  14. Dallas is a good team and are playing very well. We knew it would take some time to break the Jets of some old bad habits and get fully in sync with the new systems. How many point shots have we taken? One? That needs to change. Two of Dallas’ goals have come from there… Just sayin’.
  15. Another poor 2nd period. Jets are really struggling. Perfetti gets absolutely wiped out after making a pass at center ice, waaay late and no penalty. Clear interference.
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