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Everything posted by BomberBall

  1. Doc Walker wasn’t great tonight, but they aren’t anthem singers, Nattress is… And she is horrendous. Remember in the movie Dumb and Dumber when Jim Carrey’s character said, “You want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?” Then he rips off a nasally scream? I’d rather listen to that for 24 hours straight, than listen to Nattress sing an anthem.
  2. You’re right, the playoffs are never going to be called the same as the regular season, but can they at least be close to consistent from game to game? Actually, I’d settle for consistency in game. The ticky tac stuff they call early, then turn a blind eye to blatant infractions…. It’s infuriating. You saw how frustrated Scheifele was last night.
  3. The officiating didn’t cost the Jets the game, but man have they been terrible. Wildly inconsistent… And consistency is all you want out of officials.
  4. Nice to see some push back in the 3rd.
  5. I was thinking it looked like Finland - Sweden.
  6. Holy crap, they did part of the anthem in French.
  7. I’m going to guess the hockey fans around these parts are a little more avid and knowledgeable than the people who watch games in Dallas and Columbus. So Jets fans may be more aware of former player/coaches.
  8. What the hell is wrong with people? Seriously. Starting a fight, resisting security and police, then spitting on people on the way out?? Unbelievable losers. Sad thing is, they will likely never think what they did was wrong. Just another day in the life of a POS.
  9. Yikes. Wonder what happened leading up to that.
  10. Bottom 6 really lighting the lamp tonight. Great to see.
  11. Poor back end possessions by Canada and loose defending leads to 2 against. Need to make a couple halftime adjustments for sure. I’d definitely pull Hutchinson off… He’s looked really sluggish today.
  12. "When a goalkeeper has lost his helmet and/or face mask and... the opposing team has control of the puck, play shall only be stopped if there is no immediate and impending scoring opportunity." Apparently, that’s the rule. Unreal. Why does a scoring opportunity take precedent over a goalies safety??!! He’s supposed to stand in there and take shots through traffic with no mask on??
  13. Shove it straight up your ass refs!!!! Woohoo!
  14. That needs to be explained…. How Helle’s mask was knocked off is completely irrelevant… When it’s off, the play should be dead. What a horseshit play and review.
  15. Sweet pass by Dubois and great finish by KFC. Beauty.
  16. Yup, another garbage call, from the ref 100 feet away, no less. Home cookin.
  17. They’ve ignored a lot of hacks from the Stars and called a weak one on Menalainen. Then they somehow miss Morrissey getting sticked in the face near the end of the 2nd. Pathetic.
  18. Don’t know why they haven’t pulled Helle… He doesn’t need/deserve this.
  19. It feels like the Jets get drugged when they arrive to play the Wild. Just sleepwalking. Some awful performances there. That being said the Wild are getting some home cooking.
  20. How often has that ever happened? 3 goals in the last 5 minutes with the goalie pulled? All shots from the point? Crazy. Credit the Jets for not getting too rattled and still coming out with 2 points.
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